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EYFS transition timelines

Receiving setting

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Nursery 2 Autumn term


  • Welcome families and children to open evenings, events, and informal meetings.


  • Host information event for parents of children and young people with additional needs.


  • Respond to consultations. Clearly outline any provisions form Section F that the setting will need support in implementing.

Nursery 2 Spring term


  • Welcome families and children to open evenings, events, and informal meetings.
  • Use information from transition meetings and feedback from nurseries to begin to develop intake profiles and provision planning.
  • Review the NCC Transitions toolkit and accompanying resources, and EYFS Transitions in Norfolk (


  • School placement allocations. Arrange transition meetings with feeder nurseries and discuss use of STAIR to support transitions.
  • Ensure any barriers the family have to communication e.g. EAL are identified in collaboration with the current setting and families e.g. through admissions forms.
  • Ensure families are provided with information in an accessible format (language).


  • When a setting is named on a child or young person's EHCP, arrange an initial planning meeting with families and child or young person.

Nursery 2 Summer term


  • Welcome families and children to open evenings, events, and informal meetings.
  • Explain the EY framework to families and provide time for FAQ / Q and A.


  • Host welcome/transition events for SEND cohort, plan universal targeted and enhanced transition activities as needed.
  • Finalise initial SEND register for incoming cohort.
  • Disseminate information to all relevant staff regarding incoming cohort.
  • Draw up transition SEN Support Plan with families and children and young people ready for transition.
  • Plan provisions and support for incoming cohort.
    • Request information from current settings including requests for information relating to SEND, EAL, GRT, Young Carers, Military Families, FSM, PP, SEND etc to inform planning for engagement with children and young people and their families. E.g., arranging for documents to be shared in languages other than English.
    • Review STAIRs and transition information shared, including SENIF data.
    • Finalise provision and staffing for the autumn term.
  • Plan meetings with families to offer reassurance.
  • Plan provision and support for specific groups e.g. GRT, EAL, young carers. Use One Minute Guides, thematic Inclusion and SEND toolkits for schools, and welcome packs (coming soon!) to support your strategies and approaches.


  • Seek advice (if required) from the The SEND and inclusion team or the EY advice line where enhanced transition support will be put into place.
  • Discuss and plan implementation of Section F provisions with family and incorporate into transition SEN Support Plan.

Reception Autumn term


  • Be flexible and adapt to individual children's needs.
  • Evaluate the transition process from the previous year and reflect on what went well / what could be improved.
  • Provide feedback to the current setting where necessary and adapt transition arrangements for the coming year.


  • Use data from baseline assessments and observations to identify any potential unmet needs. Review transition information provided from STAIR/nursery discussions.
  • Observe and review/generate robust Support Plans for children and young people with additional needs.
  • For children and young people with high needs, submit INDES accompanied by SEN Support Plan if requesting support.

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