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Year 6 to Year 7 transition timelines

Receiving setting

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Year 5


  • Welcome families and children to open evenings, events and informal meetings.


  • Respond to consultations. Clearly outline any provisions from Section F that the setting will need support in implementing.
  • Attend EHCP reviews to which you have been invited.

Year 6 Autumn term


  • Identify Transition Team.
  • Host information event for parents of children and young people with SEND (plan these events for later in the year if more appropriate for your school / setting's individual arrangements).
  • Share transitions dates early with other settings so you can plan to have your transition events on the same day.


  • Host information events for families of children and young people with SEND (plan these events for later in the year if more appropriate for your school / setting's individual arrangements).


  • Respond to consultations. Clearly outline any provisions from Section F that the setting will need support in implementing.
  • Attend EHCP reviews to which you have been invited.
  • For EHCPs named at setting arrange initial planning meeting with families and children and young people.
  • Where a child or young person is on panel or awaiting outcomes for placement at a specialist setting ensure parallel planning with the feeder school and family the presumption that the child will be attending your setting until you are notified of a specialist placement having been secured.

Year 6 Spring term


  • School placement allocations. Request information from primary feeder schools including requests for information relating to English as an additional language (EAL), Gypsy Roma and Traveller (GRT), young carers, military families, free school meals (FSM), pupil premium (PP), SEND etc to inform planning for engagement with children and young people and their families, such as arranging for documents to be shared in languages other than English.


  • Hold family meetings with families of SEND children to gather information.
  • Request information from feeder setting for children and young people with additional needs including SEND information such as INDES submissions.
  • Generate list of children and young people who will potentially require targeted or enhanced transition support.
  • Ensure any barriers the family have to communication e.g. EAL are identified in collaboration with the current setting and families e.g. through admissions forms.
  • Ensure families are provided with information in an accessible format (language).


  • Begin any enhanced transition programme for high needs learners.
  • Arrange initial planning meeting with families and children and young people when high needs at SEN Support have been identified by the primary setting.
  • For EHCPs named at setting, arrange initial planning meeting with families and children and young people.
  • Where a child is on panel or awaiting outcomes for placement at a specialist setting ensure parallel planning with the feeder school and family the presumption that the child will be attending your setting until you are notified of a specialist placement having been secured.

Year 6 Summer term


  • Host welcome/ transition events for incoming cohort.
  • Share details of first day / week / half term with children and young people and their families.


  • Host welcome/ transition events for SEND cohort, plan universal targeted and enhanced transition activities as needed.
  • Finalise initial SEND register for incoming cohort.
  • Hold family meetings with families of SEND learners to gather information.
  • Draw up transition SEN Support Plan with families and children and young people ready for transition.
  • Begin graduated provision mapping in relation to incoming cohort (spring/summer).
  • School leaders to plan provisions and support for incoming cohort. Finalise provision and staffing and training for the autumn term.
  • School Leaders provide release time for year leads / key workers / pastoral staff from each setting to 'hand over', visit children and young people in current setting and share information.
  • School Leaders consider accessibility audits and planning around the site, curriculum and resources.
  • Disseminate information to teaching colleagues regarding incoming cohort.
  • Plan provision and support for specific groups e.g. GRT, EAL, young carers. Use One Minute Guides, thematic Inclusion and SEND toolkits for schools and welcome packs (coming soon!) to support your strategies and approaches.
  • Contact the The SEND and inclusion team for any support required with targeted or enhanced provision mapping and support, this could also include support for children and young people with EAL or who are GRT.


  • Draw up transition SEN Support Plan with families and children and young people ready for transition.
  • Discuss and plan implementation of Section F provisions with family and incorporate into transition SEN Support Plan.
  • Where a child or young person is on panel or awaiting outcomes for placement at a specialist setting ensure parallel planning with the feeder school and family the presumption that the child will be attending your setting until you are notified of a specialist placement having been secured.

Year 7 Autumn term


  • Evaluate the transition process from the previous year and reflect on what went well / what could be improved.
  • Provide feedback to the current setting where necessary and adapt transition arrangements for the coming year.
  • Monitor friendships and wellbeing closely, adapting support as needed.


  • Hold transition reviews based on transition SEN Support Plan and initial observations and feedback.
  • Observe and review / generate robust SEN Support Plans for children and young people with SEND.
  • Submit INDES for Y7s with SEND accompanied by SEND Support Plan if requesting SEN Support.


  • Review implementation Plan of Section F linked to outcomes and break down into short term SMART targets through SEN Support Plan.
  • Adapt transition offer if needed when new needs are identified e.g., through EHCP review.
  • Check if children and young people has previously had equipment from Access Through Technology (ATT). If unable to provide similar technology from school resources, contact ATT to discuss next steps.

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