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Year 6 to Year 7 transition timelines

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Year 5


  • Encourage families to attend Open Evenings and speak to the prospective secondary settings to allow families to make informed decisions.
  • Arrange annual EHCP Reviews and invite SENDCo from prospective secondary settings to begin initial planning conversation.
  • Hold annual reviews and with family name Y6 placements. Invite secondary school SENDCo as appropriate.

Year 6 Autumn term


  • Signpost families to local Open Evening / events at Secondary settings
  • School placement allocations. Respond to request information from allocated secondary setting.
  • Attend any transition meetings to which the current setting is invited to by the receiving setting.
  • Share transitions dates early with other settings so you can plan to have your transition events on the same day.


  • Ensure UK school systems / processes around applying for school places and transition are explained as soon as possible to families who are newly arrived in the UK or who are not proficient in English.
  • Make a referral to TITAN Primary for children and young people who would benefit from independent travel training.


  • Where a child or young person is on panel or awaiting outcomes for placement at a specialist setting ensure parallel planning with secondary setting and family with the presumption that the child will be attending the mainstream setting until you are notified of a specialist placement having been secured.

Year 6 Spring term


  • Provide the secondary setting with a list of children and young people requiring targeted or enhanced transition processes.
  • With family consent, make referrals to the School and Communities Teams via the Family hubs website for targeted transition support for children and young people with SEND who would benefit from external transition support.


  • Where a child is on panel or awaiting outcomes for placement at a specialist setting ensure parallel planning with secondary setting and family with the presumption that the child will be attending the mainstream setting until you are notified of a specialist placement having been secured.

Year 6 Summer term


  • Prepare all children and young people for transition events and transitions through dedicated curriculum activities.
  • Send staff to support and bridge when visiting new settings.
  • Liaise with families and remind them of upcoming transition events.
  • Consider planning curriculum 'bridging projects' that begin in the last part of the summer term of Y6 and continue in the first part of Y7.
  • Consider setting holiday 'projects' on a theme to help to engage children and young people in learning and avoid the 'dip' that occurs after the summer break.
  • Consider completing any transition packs and tasks requested by receiving settings within school so all children and young people are supported to do so.


  • Prepare electronic and paper SEND files for secure transfer to receiving setting.
  • Adapt holiday projects for children and young people with SEND or other needs.


  • Where a child or young person is on panel or awaiting outcomes for placement at a specialist setting ensure parallel planning with secondary setting and family with the presumption that the child will be attending the mainstream setting until you are notified of a specialist placement having been secured.
  • If a child or young person has equipment from Access Through Technology (ATT), complete the ATT review forms and transition paperwork. Discuss technology used by the child or young person with the new setting. Signpost new setting to contact ATT if they need on-going support/provision from ATT.

Year 7 Autumn term


  • Evaluate the transition process from the previous year and reflect on what went well / what could be improved.
  • Provide feedback to the current setting where necessary and adapt transition arrangements for the coming year.

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