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Support First Approach


The first step in the Support First approach is successful parental engagement. This can be achieved in several ways, for example, by engaging parents through organising diverse activities. These could include parent-teacher conferences, workshops, open houses, and volunteering opportunities. By involving parents in different ways, schools can foster a sense of community and build strong relationships.

Schools should be flexible and creative in ways to encourage engagement from parents. If a parent does not respond or engage with a particular member of staff, the school should consider another professional who could be more successful. Sometimes relationships break down with a particular staff member and a fresh start is needed to get meaningful engagement and build relationships.  

Examples of encouraging engagement through communication

Research shows that parents tend to underestimate the total number of days their child has been absent. Parents cannot address problems if they do not realise that there is a problem. Therefore, schools need to ensure that they keep parents fully informed of their child's attendance at school and raise any attendance concerns in a timely manner.

People are more motivated to change their behaviour at milestones in time or in their lives, such as New Year, birthdays, or new school terms.

Communication with parents should be personalised, easy to understand, and show a way to move forward. Communication should capture parent's attention, motivate action and should demonstrate a supportive approach which is solution focussed.

Here are some examples of ways to engage parents through creative communication to ensure that they are fully informed of their child's current attendance.  

Example text message to send at the end of half term:

Good morning/afternoon, Pupil has missed X days of school this half term.  Please help pupil attend school regularly to give them the best possible chance of making progress.  The next half term is a fresh start and we would appreciate your help in improving pupil's attendance.

Example letter to send at the end of half term:

Dear Parent

Our records show that pupil is missing more school than their classmates.

This half term, pupil has missed X days of school.


When pupils miss school they fall behind and it can be hard to catch up.  You can have a big impact helping pupil to attend this year, giving them the best possible chance of making good progress.

The next half term is a fresh start and we would appreciate your help in improving pupil's attendance. 


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