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Support First Approach

Attendance contracts

An Attendance contract (Word doc, 62 KB) is a formal written agreement between a parent and either the school (with the exception of independent schools and non-maintained special schools) or local authority to address irregular attendance at school or alternative provision.

  • It is not legally binding
  • Formal route to secure engagement with support
  • Not a punitive tool, intended to provide support and offer an alternative to prosecution
  • Parents cannot be compelled to enter an attendance contract, and they cannot be agreed in a parent's absence
  • Attendance contract should always be explored before moving forward to an education supervision order or prosecution
  • The aim is for parent(s), and the pupils where they are old enough and school to work in partnership to improve attendance.

Attendance contracts in practice

The aim from the outset should be for the parent(s), and the pupil where they are old enough, and the school to work in partnership. Where a school decide to use an attendance contract, a meeting should be arranged with the parent(s) and should include the pupil if they are old enough to understand. The meeting should explain the purpose of an attendance contract and why using one would be beneficial in the family's circumstances. The parent(s) should be asked to outline their views on the pupil's attendance at school, any underlying issues and how they believe these should be addressed. The meeting should also allow them to share their views on the idea of an attendance contract and what type of support they think would be helpful to secure the pupil's regular attendance.

One attendance contract may be arranged with all parents, or in circumstances where it is desirable to have different requirements for each parent then separate attendance contracts for each parent should be arranged.

Where a parent fails to attend the meeting without good reason or notification, further attempts should be made to contact them and arrange another meeting but all attempts at support should be recorded.

Attendance contracts do not have a minimum or maximum duration. Each individual attendance contract should set out the duration it will be in place, and most are for between 3 and 12 months but can be longer if needed.

Once the requirements and support elements of the attendance contract have been agreed, the school and/or local authority and the parent should write up the contract together and sign it. The attendance contract should be written in language that the parent can easily understand (including a translation where necessary). All parties, including other partners working with the family, should be given a copy.


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