Domestic Homicide Review Webinar on 08 November 2024

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk's third Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) webinar is taking place on Friday 8 November, 13:00 - 16:00.
As part of the Norfolk Community Safety Partnership's ongoing commitment to highlight and share the valuable learning from the DHRs completed in Norfolk, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk is hosting the third in a series of webinars to share the findings and recommendations.
This is open to all partners and will cover a variety of topics built around increasing knowledge, awareness, and skills across the county. The third webinar will include a number of experienced speakers sharing their vast knowledge of academic research, working with professionals, and some of the most vulnerable people in the county.
The themes covered in this webinar will include working with male perpetrators, perpetrator programmes, and the work of the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership. We are excited to have talks with Respect, Helen Emerson from Norfolk Police, and the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership.
Please sign up with this link.
Please be aware this session will not be available as a recorded webinar.