Making Sense of SEND information fair coming to Great Yarmouth on 26 November

Making Sense of SEND is a free information fair for SEND families and professionals. The aim is to share information with you and enable you to meet the people behind the services.
Our next event is at the King's Centre (Kingsgate) in Great Yarmouth on Tuesday 26 November, 10am-12pm. We are being joined by 20 organisations who will be on hand to share information about their services and answer any questions you may have. There will also be a talk on Provision Expected at SEN Support at 10.30am that is optional to attend. Free refreshments will be available.
We'd love it if as many people as possible could benefit from this event, so please do share with any families or colleagues you work with that may have an interest in attending.
Tickets are free but must be booked in advance.