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Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) Webinar: The Family Help Model, 1-2pm Wednesday 27 November

FAO: DSLs, Headteachers , 18 November 2024 09:48
For Staff

Safeguarding Webinars for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) 

This 60-minute webinar is for trained DSLs. It does not replace DSL refresher training.  

The Family Help Model: Wednesday 27 November, 1-2pm via Teams 

This webinar will be led by Jenifer Dewar, Norfolk County Council's Assistant Director of Family Help and High Needs. DSLs will have the opportunity to learn more about the new Family Help Teams that are providing multi-disciplinary support to vulnerable children and families in Norfolk.  

Session Aims 

Providing the right support at the right time to vulnerable children and families is of paramount importance to Norfolk County Council and our partners.  Following the successful pilot of a Family Help model in two of our localities (West and South), the decision was taken to roll out this model of support across all our localities. The Family Help Model has brought together our Family Support and FAST teams, alongside practitioners from other disciplines to create multi-disciplinary teams. These teams take a collaborative approach to supporting the needs of families, holding risk and developing a network of support around a family.  

The webinar is an opportunity to hear more about the teams themselves, the practitioners involved and how they work. Much of this approach will be familiar to those of you who have previously worked with our family practitioners and social workers but we are delighted to share more about the changes we hope that Family Help will bring. We received positive feedback from families in the pilot areas but there is more that we want to do for families locally who need our help. Schools are a vital part of the Team around the Child, working supporting children on a daily basis and we want to work in partnership to provide a system wide network around families who need additional interventions. There will be an opportunity to ask questions about the model at the end of the session.   

The webinar will take place via Microsoft Teams; however, you do not need to have this application on your laptop. If you do not, then the webinar will open in an internet browser. There is no requirement to book at place, you will be able to access the webinar via this link

If you have any questions about the webinar, please email:   

Last modified: 26 November 2024 09:32

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