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Promote our new Tier 2 Healthy Weight Service

FAO: Children, young people, and their families , 18 November 2024 09:58
For Parents / Carers

Introducing Gro Health - healthy weight support for young people in Norfolk! 

What is Gro Health? 

Gro Health, Norfolk's healthy weight service for young people, is here to help young people look after their health and grow into a healthy weight. Young people can learn all about healthy eating and getting active, and get support with managing mental health and sleep, to help them move towards a healthy weight. Gro Health is available as a digital and face-to-face support programme so they can get support in the way that works best for them! 

If young people meet the following eligibility criteria, they could be eligible for FREE access! 

  • Aged 4-18 years old, or the parent/carer of a young person aged 4-18  
  • In the 91st BMI centile or higher  
  • Living in Norfolk  

Young people and families can register their interest for Gro Health, by clicking here or calling Gro Health on 0330 133 0307

How can I promote Gro Health to students and parents/carers? 

We can provide you with a poster, leaflet, a series of images and a summary of the service that can be shared through emails, newsletters, on websites and social media channels to promote Gro Health, along with the registration link.

If you would like promotional packs including posters and leaflets, please contact our pathway lead Will Lawson-Brown ( 

How can I find out more? 

If you would like to find out more about Gro Health and how we can support your staff, students and parents/carers; please get in touch with our pathway lead Will Lawson-Brown ( 

We're also looking to understand how we can best support young people. If you would like to provide some feedback, please take our short survey today

Last modified: 26 November 2024 09:33

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