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SEND and Inclusion Support Model

Frequently Asked Questions about EPSS Traded Services

Q: As a school that has doesn't buy EPSS services, will I get free access to them now? 

A: Yes, access to EPSS support will be free of charge for all mainstream schools. Support from EPSS will be discussed and agreed via the new SEND and Inclusion Support Model.  

Q: Does my school have to attend TAS meetings to get access to free EPSS support? 

A: We encourage all schools to work with us to identify areas where support is required and to provide an appropriate coordinated response. 

Q: How are NCC allocating resource to schools? 

A: We are allocating resource based on zones and presenting needs.  

Q: Can my school buy any EPSS traded services from NCC in addition to those that will be free of charge? 

A: Critical Incident support and trading to special schools will continue, but no other EPSS traded services can be purchased. 

Q: As a school that buys a lot of EPSS resources, can I expect the same level of support? 

A: The level of EPSS support provided to you will be discussed at TAS meetings, where a plan for coordinated and targeted support will be agreed. In some cases, this may be lower than in previous years, but the agreed support will be free of charge.  

Q: Can I use a blend of NCC provided EPSS resource and private provider resource?  

A: Yes, should you wish to purchase any support from providers in addition to that provided by NCC, you can do so.  

Q: Can I request EPSS services outside of a TAS meeting?  

A: Yes, if you are not in a position to discuss EPSS support at your TAS meeting, you can contact the SEND and Inclusion Support Line. We anticipate, however, that the TAS meeting will be the main forum for agreeing support. You can contact the phoneline Monday-Friday between 9am and 5pm on 0333 313 7165.  

Q: Can I top up my current EPSS traded days?  

A: Maintained schools can top up EPSS Traded days until the Feb 25 half term, but all referrals and commissioned work must be with EPSS before this date. All purchased EPSS days must be used by the end of the Spring Term 

Academies can top up their EPSS contracts until April 25.  

Q: Is this a new way of delivering core consultations? 

A: The SEND and Inclusion Support Model and the provision of fully funded EPSS support will go beyond what we could previously deliver through core consultations. We will provide more specialist support upfront to understand school and child-level needs and deliver a targeted approach to support. 

The provision of EPSS resource via the SEND and Inclusion Support Model will lead to a more accessible and equitable service across the county. EPSS will also be able to work in conjunction with other NCC teams to provide a more coordinated approach to supporting children.   

Q: As a trust that buys EPSS resource for multiple schools, how do I manage resource across multiple zones during the roll out of the Model?   

A: As we roll out the Model across Norfolk, we will continue to work with those trusts with outstanding EPSS traded days, either via core consultations or TAS meetings.  

Q: I understand that maintained school contracts will finish at the end of Spring term but academies will continue until the end of the summer term.  What is the rationale for academies continuing to pay for EPSS Services in the summer term whilst maintained schools  will receive support for free?

A: We acknowledge this challenge and the concerns it may bring.  We are trying to introduce a long-term change for the system as a whole, but we want to ensure that we do this in a manner that will be successful for the system and schools, so we ask for your understanding to achieve the longer term aim.  

By allowing academies to run down their previously purchased days over the Summer Term, academies in both Phase 2 and 3 zones have a higher degree of continuity over the transition period, allowing them to plan how they wish to use up their remaining trading days, while discussing with us what support they would like after their contracts end.  Conversations have or are taking place with academy and maintained schools in phase 1 zones.

This approach we hope, will provide a smoother transition for those Academies still holding contracts with us, allowing us to ringfence their resource, over the summer.

However, if as an academy you want to discuss your individual academy / trusts situation then please get in touch.

Q: Will Special Schools continue to be able to purchase EPSS Support?

A: Yes, Special Schools can still purchase EPSS support via a traded model. 

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