SEND and Inclusion Support Model
Overview of the Model
The Model works within the 15 school and community zones and introduces new approaches, including Teams Around the School (TAS), Way Forward Meetings (WFM), Zone Inclusion Partnerships (ZIP) and Strategic Meetings.
The Zone Inclusion Partnerships (ZIPs) aim to bring together schools, partners and the LA within a zone to encourage collaboration, challenge and share best practice, supporting the development of multi-agency initiatives to improve outcomes for young people within the zone.
The Team Around the School (TAS) approach will see a multi-disciplinary team from NCC and partners meeting regularly with schools to review and support the provision available to children.
Strategic meetings will take place with Multi Academy Trusts and our LA Maintained schools, starting with our larger federations. Strategic meetings are an opportunity for the LA and Trusts/large federations to work together to celebrate good practice and work together to identify areas for development that promote inclusive practice across a trust or federation. In the future we will be looking at how we work with groups of LA schools to promote similar practices.
You will still have access to the Local and Graduated Offers (SEND Local Offer - Norfolk County Council) to find information and advice, as well as the SEND and Inclusion Support line.

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