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Building Organisational Resilience to Strengthen the System

Are you ready to lead and support others to lead with purpose and inclusivity? The System Leader programme is designed to support colleagues to develop and improve their own school and others by increasing capacity and driving an inclusive leadership culture. Colleagues who take part in the programme will benefit from opportunities to network with others, take part in peer review and coaching triads as well as accessing supervision.

Inclusive Schools Trust

Programme Overview - Leading with Kindness

To train Norfolk's best teachers to develop their skills as a System Leader on order to:

  • Promote inclusivity
  • Encourage personal development
  • Build meaningful relationships
  • Strengthen school cohesion
  • Contribute to the wider system

Collaborative growth - To maximise joint practice development through:

  • Peer review
  • Coaching triads
  • Supervision (individual and peer-led)
  • Networking opportunities

Once the programme has been successfully completed, you will be able to support other schools as by fostering collaboration and growth, we create the conditions for long-term success in the system.

Let's talk capacity: Colleagues will need time to complete an application, attend an interview and assessment day, training day and shadow visit (optional).

Inclusive Schools Trust is offering up to 15 places for schools to participate in this transformative program. Thanks to support from the Trust and Local Authority, the cost is subsidised for schools, with a small contribution of £100 required. For LA-maintained schools, there is the opportunity to have this cost fully covered by the Local Authority contact for more information.

About Inclusive Schools Trust

Inclusive Schools Trust is a small specialist primary multi-academy trust driven by its commitment to make inclusion a reality. Our deeply embedded culture develops an understanding of the whole child throughout the Trust. This led us to grade Personal Development as 'outstanding' across each of the six schools, an assessment which has been recently validated by OFSTED. The Trust is committed to promoting a curriculum that protects the unique elements of each school community and, at the same time, improving outcomes in order to increase life-chances for all children. The Trust is committed to the contribution it makes for the good of the whole and understands the critical mission to raise standards and strengthen the Norfolk school system.

Who is this for?

Middle and Senior leaders

How to Get Involved

  • Register your interest by with Jo Parker
  • Complete the application and recruitment process
  • Participate in training sessions

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