News for Norfolk Education Providers
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Making Sense of SEND information fair is coming to Norwich next month!
Upcoming SEND information fair at Greenfields Community Centre in Norwich on 9th July. Please share with families you work with.
Parent Champion Volunteer Training
Parent Champions Norfolk are looking for new parent and carer volunteers to support families in their local community. The volunteers offer signposting to the services available in Norfolk which helps families to make informed choices and access the right services when they need them.
Pupil Premium Plus funding for Looked After Children - reminder of funding process
All PP+ funding for looked after children should now be requested through the PEP document, as soon as a funding need is identified and always before an intervention is put in place. Exceptional funding needs already identified for the Autumn term should be discussed with your Virtual School Adviser and recorded on the live PEP by 30th June 24, there is no need to wait for a PEP meeting.
Apprenticeships Norfolk: Live QA Session for Multi-Academy Trust Schools
Join the Apprenticeships Norfolk team for a live QA session for multi-academy trust schools. The session will cover how apprenticeships can future-proof your teams and bring in new talent. We will also talk about how to effectively utilise apprenticeship levy funds in-house, or with other businesses through levy-transfers.
Funded Cycle Training available for primary and secondary schools.
Norfolk County Council has secured funding from The Bikeability Trust via Active Travel England to offer Norfolk children in education with funded cycling opportunities. We also have funded courses to support students with the knowledge to fix their bicycles.
Autism Education Trust - Good Autism Practice - New date for Autumn Term (14 Oct 2024)
Autism Education Trust - Good Autism Practice - New date for Autumn Term - Face to Face
Autism Education Trust - Making Sense of Autism (16 September 2024)
Autism Education Trust - Making Sense of Autism - New date for Autumn Term
"Promoting Flourishing Communities: Norfolk's Restorative Pathway for Reducing Exclusions and Improving Attendance"
Restorative approaches in schools focus on improving relationships, reducing exclusions, and equipping staff to manage difficult situations. By prioritizing positive connections and addressing underlying behavioural causes, such as trauma or social-emotional needs, restorative practices create a more inclusive and supportive school environment where all students can thrive.
Revisions to 'Keeping Children Safe in Education', DfE (Guidance from 1st September 2024: For Information Only)
The revised guidance the Department for Education (DfE) published for is information only at this stage so that schools and colleges can plan for the commencement of the guidance on 1 September 2024.
Norfolk Virtual School for Children in Care, Children Previously in Care and Children with a Social Worker- Change the Narrative; Have your Say Participation Events
Norfolk Virtual School seeks the views of children in care, children previously in care and children with a social worker at our free summer participation events at Norfolk Snowsports Club.