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Training information and other resources

Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) training and resources

The GRT Service offers a broad range of training, ensuring all schools and settings are developing a culture and ethos of inclusion, meeting their equality duties and ready to effectively support Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) children and young people.

Our programme of training includes:

A termly online EYFS and Primary GRT network, suitable for all roles within schools, including Governors at no cost where we explore best practice and provision for GRT pupils.

'I found the network very interesting and thought provoking.'

'I now understand differentiation for the communities that come under the GRT umbrella'.

'It reminded me of when I worked closely alongside Traveller families in my last school and the good relations we had established: I would like all staff to be able to foster these in due course.'

GRT EYFS and Primary Network | Norfolk Services for Schools

GRT EYFS and Primary Network | Norfolk Services for Schools

GRT EYFS and Primary Network | Norfolk Services for Schools

Our 'Raising Cultural Awareness, Inclusion and Achievement of GRT Pupils in Primary School' face to face training day in Norwich for only £50 per attendee on 26 March 2024

This training will support schools to ensure best practice for GRT pupils in line with Ofsted's judgment to promote "equality of opportunity so that ALL pupils can thrive together, understanding that differences are positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique'.

'Excellent day. I feel well informed and able to help staff strengthen our provision for our GRT families.'

'I have come away with better knowledge of the GRT communities, and I have lots of information on how to incorporate the history and lifestyle of GRT children into daily lessons'. 

'Comprehensive training with excellent resources and knowledge from the team'

Raising Cultural Awareness, Inclusion and Achievement of GRT Pupils in Primary School | Norfolk Services for Schools

The GRT Service also offer Bespoke GRT Cultural Awareness training for schools, early years settings, higher education and other providers working with GRT families and children.

Bespoke training for schools is aimed at whole school staff including administration, lunchtime supervisors and governors as well as teaching staff, and teaching and learning support assistants, many of whom may have little or no knowledge about GRT culture and aims to help schools and settings to develop consistent, confident practice.

'A huge thank you to you and your team for the training. I have received so much positive feedback from the staff and it has prompted our headteacher to question some of our practice'.

'Such an interesting and engaging training, you were all clearly very knowledgeable and respectful and it was such an interesting experience.'

The GRT Service are able to offer cultural awareness training courses online.

Training for partners working in Norfolk with GRT families and communities in areas such as early help and social care, can also be provided and tailored to meet your specific organisation's needs and in context with the geographical area you are working in.

Early years training

GRT training for early years providers is outlined in the Early Years section of this website.

For further information on GRT training please contact:

PIVATS training (performance indicators for valued assessment and targeted learning)

Training offered to schools who have purchased the PIVATS assessment toolkit, used for pupils who are working well below their chronological age-related expectations within the national curriculum. Training covers aspects of English and maths however the whole toolkit covers broader areas of the curriculum, including personal, social and emotional development. PIVATS is particularly useful for those children who have significant gaps in their learning due to mobility related absence.

For further Information on PIVATS training please contact:

Dyslexia screening

Registered with the British Psychological Society, a qualified member of staff can carry out educational testing, related to children displaying dyslexic tendencies.

For further Information please contact:



The GRT Service have produced three Padlets with the aim of offering schools the opportunity to enhance the diversity content of their teaching and learning by embedding GRT history and culture into their curriculums.

For more information please contact:

Information sheets

GRT resource boxes and culturally reflective booklist

GRT resource boxes of culturally reflective books and materials are available and can be loaned to schools and settings.

For further information please contact:

Friends Family and Travellers GRT Resources

Teaching Resources | Friends, Families and Travellers (

Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month (GTRHM)

Don't forget GRTHM in the month of June!

For more information and resources about this event visit the Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month web page (opens new window).

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