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Reflective practice group

DSLs are encouraged to take part in Reflective Practice discussions which involve taking the time to ‘think about’ and ‘reflect upon’ what they do within our everyday practice. Actively reflecting on work is vital for improving self-awareness, learning, professional development & provides the opportunity to be trauma informed.

The process of reflection alongside others helps DSLs think analytically about anything relating to their professional practice with the intention of gaining insight and learning to maintain good practice, gain confidence and recognise opportunities for development.

Step 1 Presenting the issue (3 mins)

One person from the group (Presenter) presents a problem, a situation or opportunity to the group with NO interruptions. The group listens.

Step 2 Asking questions & seeking clarification (6 mins)

The rest of the group asks questions to further understand the issue but this must be only questions and not suggestions, advice, giving or discussion. Questions such as "What’s been tried so far?".

Step 3 Giving ideas (8 mins)

The group then reflects on and discusses what they have heard; they can make suggestions, give ideas as a statement (not as a question) to address the problem during which time the Presenter cannot interrupt.

Step 4 Reflection & Action Planning (3 mins)

The person that presented the problem then reflects on the process; what it made them feel like, and what actions & learning they may take forward.