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The purpose of Joint Agency Group Supervision or JAGS is to provide a mechanism to reflect on cases which are complex, feel 'stuck', or are drifting.

Joint supervision provides a reflective space for joint analysis of assessment information, an opportunity to explore what professionals know about the lived experience of the child and should help strengthen the relationship between professionals who are working together with families to secure the best outcomes for children.

Joint supervision is not about sharing new information or making case decisions, its focus is to reflect on the progress of a child's plan and what might be done differently to better work alongside the family in supporting them to achieve their goals for the child where this is required.

More information can be found on the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership website (opens new window).

Team Around the Child Supervision (TACS)

This is also a multi-agency approach to supervision but is led by Children's Services and is a more 'routine' approach to supervision.  Key professionals within the child's network are invited to TACS.

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