Module 3: Pupil participation
Use this module to:
- Understand the requirements of the RSHE guidance to promote pupil participation
- Be able to differentiate participation approaches for inclusive practice
- Identify practical tools to support effective pupil participation strategies
Module 3: Video
Module 3: Tasks
- Explore national data and intelligence
- Select and conduct a pupil voice activity
- Collate the findings and reflect on the curriculum priorities for your school
Module 3: Resources
- RSHE KS1 'survey' (Powerpoint, 16 MB)
- RSHE KS2 survey (PDF, 288 KB)
- RSHE Pupil consultation tools (PDF, 108 KB)
- RSHE Pupil voice PPT primary (Powerpoint, 24 MB)
- RSHE Pupil voice PPT secondary (Powerpoint, 28 MB)
- RSHE Secondary survey (PDF, 332 KB)
Module 3: References
- Fingertips- Public Health data Child and Maternal Health - OHID (
- Childline annual review | NSPCC Learning
- Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education - GOV.UK (
- Plan your relationships, sex and health curriculum - GOV.UK (
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - UNICEF UK
- The Equality Act and schools (
Module 3: Further learning
- Pupil participation at school matters - here are 3 reasons why - Reach
- School councils and pupil participation | Department of Education (
- What kids wish their teachers knew | Kyle Schwartz | TEDxKyoto - YouTube
- RSHE Ready Podcast- Hearing young people's views