Module 4: Curriculum design and resources
Use this module to:
- Design a RSHE curriculum, complaint with the requirements of the guidance
- Identify quality assured resources that can support effective RSHE provision
Module 4:Video
Module 4: Tasks
- Review your RSHE curriculum to ensure it is needs-led, impactful and will achieve your intended vision
- Review the teaching and learning resources against the checklist
Module 4: Resources
- Choosing resources (PDF, 105 KB)
- Working with outside agencies (PDF, 98 KB)
- Asking for Help KS1 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Asking for help KS2 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Asking for help KS3 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Asking for help webinar (PDF, 2 MB)
- Tricky Friends KS2 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Tricky Friends KS3 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Tricky Friends PPT (PDF, 1 MB)
- Tricky Friends - YouTube
Module 4: References
- Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education - GOV.UK (
- Plan your relationships, sex and health curriculum - GOV.UK (
- Programme of Study (
- PSHE education for pupils with SEND (
- Political impartiality in schools - GOV.UK (
- KS1 PSHE, Relationships Education, and Health Education - BBC Teach
- KS2 PSHE, Relationships Education, and Health Education - BBC Teach
- KS3 PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education - BBC Teach
- KS4 PSHE, Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education - BBC Teach
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller RSE Cards - Key Stage 1 & 2 - BigTalk Education
Module 4: Further learning
- Decolonising the curriculum: the importance of teacher training and development | The Runnymede Trust
- Teaching resources (
- RSHE Ready Podcast - Curriculum Planning
- RSHE Ready - Choosing Age-Appropriate RSHE Resources