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Whole school approach to vaping in schools

How can we promote a more inclusive school ethos and environment?

NICE guidelines recommends a coordinated whole-school approach to smoking and vaping.

As part of the statutory duty to promote child and young person (CYP) physical, mental health and emotional wellbeing, schools have a clear role to play in managing use of vapes as part of their pastoral responsibilities.

Vaping prevention can be incorporated into your whole school's approach to health and wellbeing, which includes personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and the wider curriculum, school policies, ethos and environment, and partnerships with parents and the local community. This might involve:

  • Supporting all staff to feel confident in their knowledge of vaping, its risks (and benefits for adult smokers), and the law, through resources and training
  • Exploring how vaping prevention can be linked to the school's ethos, culture and values, for example around sustainability and the environment, or a positive sense of health and well-being
  • Teaching about vaping as part of your curriculum
  • Sharing information, resources & signposting with CYP and families
  • Ensuring all staff, CYP and families are aware of relevant support services that may be available, such as Local Stop Smoking Support Services, Just One Norfolk, etc
  • Mapping out your environment to check if any areas promote vaping more than others and taking action around this

Consider how your approach to vaping is communicated to staff, CYP and families and ensure that it forms part of your induction for new staff.