Whole school approach to vaping in schools
What support can we signpost CYP to?
If a child or young person (CYP) shares with you that they are vaping, use these guidelines to support your conversation:
- Try to keep one-to-one conversations non-judgmental, supporting the CYP in understanding that they have agency and choice.
- Thank them for being open and honest.
- Explore their understanding of addiction and whether they think they, or a family or friend is experiencing addiction (definition of addiction: they cannot control their use of it and are dependent on it).
- Explore possible options for support with the CYP (family, friends, pastoral staff in school, local services) and help empower them to decide what the best next steps may be. The FRANK support service search tool can be helpful. Search 'services for young people' and your school postcode to find a list of local services that you may be able to signpost students to if they are struggling with addiction.
- Addiction can often correspond with mental health issues, so it might be worth checking in with the CYP about how their mental health is and then referring to the appropriate local services such as Just One Norfolk, etc.
- Be aware of any safeguarding disclosures or risks and ensure you follow your school's safeguarding policy.
Please see further signposting links for CYP:
- FRANK provides simple and clear information about vaping.
- Smokefree Teen provides information for CYP about vaping and guidance on how to quit including advice around how to manage social triggers, cravings and anxiety / depression.
- Drugs | Childline includes information about the risks of drugs, how a CYP can spot if they have a problem and where to go to get support.
- Guidance from FRANK on how to deal with peer pressure.
Guidance around how to respond to a specific incident of vaping is available in this padlet.