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Local Authority funding agreement

In Norfolk, all providers are required to sign an annual agreement to offer Early Education funding to families. The agreement is based on the model agreement issued by the Department for Education (DfE).

Each year providers offering Early Education to families will be invited to renew the agreement for the next academic year.  It is also necessary throughout the year to keep Parts A-D up to date and re-submit the additional documents (listed below) if they have been amended so that a compliance check can be completed.

The agreement consists of two documents -

plus, the following additional documents (provider policies) -

A provider may choose to combine policies for Early Education to reduce the admin burden, and therefore we expect the agreement requirements to be stated in at least one policy which is written for and shared with families.

These documents should enable families to make an informed decision about their childcare arrangement and ability to pay additional fees before committing to a contract.

Once complete, documents must be emailed to

The funding agreement will be returned signed once any submitted documentation have been reviewed and verified as meeting the agreement criteria.  Upon receipt of the signed agreement, the provider must display it as information for your parents/carers.

Please refer to the  Funding Agreement Guidance (Word doc, 214 KB) for advice concerning Part A-D and the additional document requirements (particularly where consumable charges form part of your fees).

Part A-D

Part A-D must be completed via a template.  There are a series of questions to answer which will be used to populate the agreement before it is returned.

  • Part A: Your Provider Details
  • Part B: Your Early Education Offer to Families
    • Availability
    • The Funding Entitlements
    • Charges
  • Part C: Documentation
  • Part D: Declaration

Part E

This is the agreement requirements which providers in partnership with the Local Authority are required to meet.

Additional documents

The additional documents are required so that the Local Authority can be assured that the provider has systems in place to meet the statutory guidance and funding agreement requirements (Word doc, 46 KB) when offering the Early Education entitlement to families.

It is therefore important that as a minimum these documents clearly prove the following sections of the agreement are being met -

  • Charging Policy - [2.47]  [2.48]  [2.49]  [2.52]  [2.53]  [2.54]
  • Sample Invoice - [2.53]  [2.54]
  • Admissions Policy - [2.14]  [2.15]  [2.25]  [2.26]  [2.27]  [2.30]  [2.31]  [2.35]  [2.37]  [2.51]
  • Complaints Policy - [2.65]

When submitted the Early Years Finance team will complete a compliance check.  Providers will be notified where it is necessary to make any amendments as soon as possible.  New providers should allow at least 6 weeks for the documentation to be checked.

Please ensure all policies are re-submitted if one policy has been updated.  It is important that the Local Authority holds your current versions on file as these are a source of reference should we receive a complaint.

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