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Whole school approach to oral health

What support can we signpost families to?

NICE guidelines recommend providing opportunities for staff to talk with families about, and involve them in, improving their children's oral health. For example, opportunities might arise at parents' evenings, open days or by encouraging parents and carers to get involved in developing the school food and drinks policy.

You could also consider setting up drop-ins or open sessions, with health practitioners wherever possible, which provide demonstrations around toothbrushing and nutrition (these could be face to face or online). These types of activities can stimulate meaningful engagement for families and communicate your commitment to good oral health.

Supportive signposting for families


It is important for families to feel as though they have someone at their child's school or setting that they can talk to for support around oral health as well as other health or wellbeing concerns.

Additional needs signposting

If you feel a family would benefit from support from a Family Hub, then please refer them through this 'Request for Support Early Help Information and Consent' form. Families can also refer themselves or visit their local family hub.