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Whole school approach to oral health

What do leaders, managers and school governors need to know?

Leaders, managers and governors should:

  • Understand the importance of taking a whole school / setting approach to promoting good oral health. They should also recognise the negative impact of poor oral health on children and young people's (CYP) health and wellbeing, not only through the pain caused and the need to remove decayed teeth, but affecting the ability to speak, eat, smile and socialise.
  • Understand that interventions in schools and settings are effective in reducing dental decay and promoting long term oral health in CYP.
  • Identify a member of staff who could be trained to become an oral health champion whose role it is to promote and protect CYP's oral health.
  • Ensure that the lunches and other food and drink provided meets the appropriate food standards. The Department for Education provides guidance on School food in England.
  • Have a clear understanding of how poor oral health can be an indicator of neglect in some cases and know how to approach any concerns appropriately. The Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership provides a definition of medical neglect through their 2023 strategy including the importance of establishing a better understanding between poverty and neglect.

Working with other partners

  • The Norfolk Healthy Child Services provide professional advice and intervention from health professionals related to oral health promotion for CYP from 0-19 years (25 SEND).
  • Through Just One Norfolk (the online resource for the Norfolk Healthy Child Services), health visitors, school nurses and their teams, provide support and information on infant feeding, teething, teeth and toothbrushing. Additional access to advice from healthcare professionals for early years oral health, diet and nutrition to support healthy mouths and children's teeth can be obtained by ringing 0300 300 0123. Further detailed support, information and advice is also provided online for older CYP.
  • The Norfolk Family Hubs and Start for Life offer is being developed. When implemented, this support will include advice around infant feeding, family food and parenting approaches to healthy teeth. There will be oral health 'Champions' across the hubs to promote oral health at community level.