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Whole school approach to oral health

Policy considerations

Wherever possible, all policies and procedures should promote and protect oral health, including policies on diet and nutrition, health and safety and anti-bullying.

Some schools and settings may choose to develop a policy specific to oral health. This could outline:

  • The importance of promoting good oral health and the negative impact of poor oral health including on physical health, development, and wellbeing.
  • How your vision and values ensure that oral health is a key health and wellbeing priority.
  • How your routines support good oral health including how healthy snacks and fresh water will be available throughout the day, how healthy lunchboxes are encouraged and how occasions such as birthdays will be celebrated in a healthy, tooth friendly way. Dental Health Care provides policy guidance on celebrations and how to communicate with families about bringing in tooth friendly treats, such as fresh fruit.
  • How good oral health, diet, nutrition and the importance of visiting the dentist will be covered through the curriculum.
  • How information is shared regularly with families via social media, websites, newsletters, posters and through policy to support good oral health routines at home.

Safeguarding policies and procedures should recognise that poor oral health can be an indicator of neglect in some cases. Staff should feel confident to raise any concerns with the safeguarding lead who can take appropriate next steps. Find further information about types of neglect from the NSPCC and in Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Guidance and legislation