Briefing on the draft DfE RSHE Guidance for schools
The Department for Education (DfE) has published a draft guidance on Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) for schools in England, which will replace the current guidance

The DfE want your views on proposed changes to the statutory guidance on teaching:
- relationships education
- relationships and sex education
- health education
These subjects are collectively known as RSHE.
The draft guidance is open for consultation until 24 June 2024, and the DfE invites all schools, teachers, parents, pupils, and other stakeholders to share their views and feedback. The consultation document and the draft guidance can be accessed here.
The DfE will analyse the consultation responses and publish a final version of the guidance by the end of 2024. The new guidance will come into force from September 2025, and all schools will have to comply with it by then. In the meantime, schools should continue to follow the current guidance, and ensure that they provide RSE that is accurate, balanced, and relevant for their pupils.