Voice 21: Transforming Learning and Life Chances Through Oracy

The Voice 21: Transforming Learning and Life Chances Through Oracy course details are as follows:
Date: Tuesday 25 June 2024
Time: 4-5pm
Location: Via MS Teams (delegates to be sent the Teams link having signed-up with Eventbrite by Friday 21 June)
Transform the learning and life chances of young people through talk at this webinar hosted by national oracy charity, Voice 21. Explore the case for oracy in making our schools more equitable places where all young people's voices are valued and heard.
Voice 21 is a national charity working with schools to develop their oracy education so that all children have the chance to be confident, articulate and skilled thinkers. In this taster session, Louise Richardson and Kate Wescott from Voice 21 will outline the importance of oracy, providing practical strategies to take back to the classroom. Learn about how Voice 21's oracy framework can be used to thread oracy through your taught curriculum as well as its contribution to wider student personal development.
- Explore the case for oracy and its impact across settings, including supporting students with SEND, children in care, previously in care, in kinship care or children with a social worker and children in receipt of pupil premium funding.
- Explore the oracy framework and how it can support the explicit teaching of oracy for children to develop their speaking and listening skills
- Understand how to become a Voice 21 school and how they support schools to embed a high quality oracy education.
- Headteachers and Senior Leaders
- Curriculum Leads
- Teachers from EYFS to Post-16
- Designated Teachers
- Designated Safeguarding Leads
Booking Instructions
Please sign-up via Eventbrite by Friday 21 June and you will receive an invitation to the Microsoft Teams meeting ahead of the event.
Should you have any further questions please contact Lisa Andrews (Norfolk Virtual School for Children in Care and Previously in Care, and Children with a Social Worker) at lisa.andrews@norfolk.gov.uk