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Wraparound training

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Understanding Behaviour through Attachment and Attunement (EYFS 0-5s)

These 2 x 1-hour modules are an introductory look at behaviour through an attachment and attunement lens.

Within the first year of life the brain doubles and 90% of our brain is developed by the time we are 5 years old. This rapid brain development processes a range of information from our environment, helping us navigate a path through life. The brain is experience dependent; its development is reliant upon the interactions we have with others.

This module looks at why understanding attachment and attunement are central to our practice and fundamental to ensure children's needs are met at a time when they are vulnerable and reliant upon others for survival and mental well-being.

The first part will cover:

  • Theory, research and evidence around attachment from John Bowlby's and Mary Ainsworth's attachment theories in the 1950's to Peter Fonagay and mentalisation, Tamsin Grimmer's pedagogy of love, Jools Page and professional love and Nell Noddings and ethics of care.

This evidence is now being backed up by neuroscience as we get more sophisticated in techniques to research baby brains.

The second part will cover:

  • How attachment and attunement can help us to better understand behaviour in young children and provides information about what additional support they may need.
  • How you can use attachment and attunement knowledge to support children and families.
  • The Key Person approach, how it relates to attachment and attunement and how understanding the emotional needs of children is fundamental to their well-being.
  • Case studies to discuss through the attachment and attunement lens.

Additionally, we have resources you can use in setting and follow up material in our Padlet to help you embed what you have learned and support colleagues within your practice.

Training provider: Early Years and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision with Reception age children

Cost: £ Fully funded

Code VenueDateTime
N077OnlineMonday 7 & Wednesday 9 October4pm-5pm

Click here to book, using the above code

Understanding Behaviour and Co-Regulation (EYFS 0-5s)

These 2 x 1-hour long modules look at behaviour using a relational model backed by theory, evidence and research. It helps us understand why our interactions with babies and children in the first 5 years are so important for development, well-being and future success.

The first part will cover:

  • What factors effect behaviour and how we can reframe the way we look at children and their behaviour.
  • Why our reactions to behaviour and the way we respond makes a difference to children's development.
  • How to investigate children's behaviour and why behavioural approaches may look as though they have solved a problem when they might be storing one up!
  • Our personal health and well-being

The second part will cover:

  • Understanding effective emotional support
  • Strategies that will support your practice and how to use them.
  • Case studies to help you reflect on your learning and how you might use the approach in practice.

The Padlet accompanying the course will contain continually updated resources, signposting, CPD and evidence alongside the training slides.

Training provider: Early Years and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision with Reception age children

Cost: £ Fully funded

Code VenueDateTime
N078OnlineTuesday 5 & Thursday 7 November7.30am-8.30am*

*Please note the times are AM; this is a trial to see whether an early start for training works for practitioners/settings.

Click here to book, using the above code

Behaviour, Theory of Mind and Neurodivergence (EYFS 0-5s)

These 2 x 1-hour modules are an introduction to ideas and strategies to support our thinking and approaches toward young children and neurodivergence.

Theory of Mind will explain how we can sometimes assign adult thoughts, motivations and ideas to children's behaviour which can stop us from understanding what is really happening and why it could be our behaviour that is inappropriate and not the children's! Looking at neurodivergence will help us think about creating approaches where we are celebrating strengths and how to support children who have the same needs but process information in a different way.

The first part will cover:

  • What is theory of mind and how does it help my practice and support the children?
  • How we need to embed approaches that are inclusive for all.
  • De-bunking some myths around children who are neurodivergent and how our approaches may need to centre more on a social model rather than a medical model.
  • Some of the challenges we may face in setting and what our support would look like.

The second part will cover:

  • How we apply our knowledge of Theory of Mind to everyday situations and how what we do will make a difference to behaviour and outcomes.
  • Strategies to support neurodiversity looking particularly at ADHD and Autism.
  • Play and the importance of understanding play for neurodivergent children.

This module is based upon theory, research, and evidence; particularly regarding a positive and empowering perspective around neurodivergency. Our Padlet gives more information and support for further investigation and to support practice going forward.

Training provider: Early Years and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision with Reception age children

Cost: £ Fully funded

Code VenueDateTime
N079OnlineSaturday 23 & 30 November8am-9am

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Playworkers - Prepare for Play!

Meynell Walter is an experienced playworker, trainer, writer and key speaker. We are delighted to have him working with us in Norfolk to offer training which aims to inspire playworkers in the wraparound childcare sector.

This new course is for staff working with primary school-aged children in wraparound provision and includes:

  • Considerations of play
  • Playwork theory
  • Play environments
  • Engagements and interventions with children
  • Creating an action plan for change

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Training provider: Meynell Walter, Director of Meynell Games

Target audience: Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded

Code VenueDateTime
N051Gressenhall Museum, BeetleyFriday 27 September10am-2pm
N052The Nest, NorwichSaturday 28 September10am-2pm

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Wraparound Nutrition: Building healthy bodies and engaged brains

This workshop is led by experienced nutritional trainer and registered nutritional therapist Catherine Jeans DipION mBANT CNHC, who delivers practical advice on how to take nutritional guidance and put it into practice. 

The workshop, with a Q&A session included, will teach professionals the key nutrition foundations for providing balanced and healthy breakfasts and after-school snacks.  It will provide settings with the knowledge to help close the nutrition gaps, taking nutrition far beyond energy requirements, with a focus on vital nutrients to help every child achieve their best. 

We now know that over 60% of the UK's diet comes from Ultra Processed Foods, which are low in nutrition and high in empty calories that have significant health risks.  By understanding key nutrient gaps and the foods to provide, this workshop gives professionals the knowledge to make a difference to the future health of our next generations. 

At least 30% of a child's daily nutritional needs should be eaten at breakfast, which means that refined cereals and toast with chocolate spread are just not enough to feed the nation's health. 

Training provider: Catherine Jeans, Registered Nutrition Therapist

Target audience: Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded

N070OnlineMonday 7 October7pm-8pm

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Wraparound Nutrition: Supporting food allergies and intolerances

This workshop is led by experienced nutritional trainer and registered nutritional therapist Catherine Jeans DipION mBANT CNHC, who delivers practical advice on how to take nutritional guidance and put it into practice. 

The workshop, with a Q&A session included, will take professionals through the key principles of food allergies and intolerances, and how to make healthy swaps when children present with allergies.  This will include how to read food labels, how to source foods that are free from allergens and rich in nutrients, and ideas on how to get creative with healthy swaps.  

Training provider:Catherine Jeans, Registered Nutrition Therapist

Target audience:Wraparound provision

Cost:£ Fully funded                                           

CodeVenueDate Time
N071OnlineTuesday 22 October7pm-8pm

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Preparing for and Managing Critical Incidents

What is a critical incident?

An event or events, usually sudden, which involve the experience of significant personal distress to a level which potentially overwhelms normal responses, procedures, and coping strategies and which is likely to have emotional and organisational consequences.

These will be 2 bite-sized, interactive workshop sessions in which you will learn how to prepare for and feel confident about managing a Critical Incident in your setting​.

There will be the opportunity to respond and reflect on actions you may need to take in ensuring that you and your setting are as prepared as possible for a critical incident.

Attendance at both of the hour-long sessions is essential.

Delegates need to access a microphone and camera during the course; therefore, it is recommended that the training is undertaken on a computer/laptop.

Training provider: Educational Psychology Support Service Critical Incident Leads and Early Years and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded               

CodeVenueDate Time
N069OnlineWednesday 2 & 16 October7pm-8pm

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Supporting Bereaved Children in Early Years (EYFS 0-5s)

A training course offering Early Years Foundation Stage practitioners the opportunity to gain knowledge about the impact a death could have on children in their setting.

This course will offer delegates the opportunity to learn key strategies in dealing with this issue and being able to provide the appropriate support.

Death and dying is part of life, but as adults we find it difficult to talk with children about these issues, and we are often not quite sure about what support young children need and what their understanding is.

Statistics suggest that between 2% and 3% of children under five in Britain will lose a parent, main carer or sibling through death.

The aims of this session are:

  • To increase your awareness of the issues surrounding bereavement in young children.
  • To help you feel more confident about supporting bereaved children and their parents or carers.

Delegates need to access a microphone and camera during the course; therefore, it is recommended that the training is undertaken on a computer/laptop.

Training provider: Cherie Pointon, Educational Psychology Support Service

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision with Reception age children

Cost: £ Fully funded                                                    

CodeVenueDate Time
N001OnlineMonday 18 November6.30pm-9pm

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First Aid for Wraparound Provision

First Aid training can be booked through Norfolk Adult Learning. Type 'Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid' into the search bar on their site for a list of courses.

We can reimburse the cost of first aid training for Playworkers in out of school settings that are part of the Wraparound Programme. Please follow this process:

  • Book and pay for first aid training direct with Adult Learning (courses cost £95.00pp).
  • Email stating the course you have booked, your name and the name of your wraparound provision.
  • We will reply and confirm if reimbursement has been approved.
  • Once the training has been completed, email with copies of the payment receipt/invoice and course certificate and we will reimburse £95.00 to your wraparound provision.

If you are unable to access a course through Norfolk Adult Learning please ensure that the course you book with an alternative provider meets the requirements set out in Annex A of the EYFS Statutory Framework 2024 and follow the process above in order to be reimbursed.

Fire Safety

This course is designed to assist settings and employers to both prevent fires and meet the requirements of Ofsted and the EYFS in respect of fire safety. It includes requirements of fire safety legislation - The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 - and official guidance published in support of this. Also, fire risk assessment and practical measures that need to be in place to keep children, staff and settings safe from fire.

Settings continue to experience damaging fires, both locally and nationally, which can also pose serious risks to children and staff. Don't let it happen to you!

Training provider: Martin Lamb, CR Safety Management

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, Committee members, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded                            

CodeVenueDate Time
N065OnlineWednesday 2 October9am-12.30pm
N066OnlineWednesday 20 November6pm-9.30pm

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Health and Safety Management

This course helps settings and individuals with health and safety duties to gain an overview and awareness of the main health and safety responsibilities and requirements applicable to early years settings.

Delegates will learn about the main elements necessary to promote and maintain safety in their settings, and the various legal requirements, principles and guidance that underlie these to help avoid major incidents and injury. Also, to assist in meeting the requirements of Ofsted and the EYFS.

Training provider: Martin Lamb, CR Safety Management

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, Committee members, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded                         

CodeVenueDate Time
N067Online Wednesday 16 October6pm-9.30pm
N068OnlineWednesday 4 December9am-12.30pm

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Risk Assessment

Incidents due to a lack of effective risk assessment still occur all too often in the childcare sector. As well as the need for overall effective management of health and safety, these issues highlight the requirement for effective risk assessment as an important element of ensuring health and safety for all in early years and childcare settings, and meeting Ofsted and EYFS requirements.

This session will assist settings and individuals to deliver effective risk assessments and considers:

  • The main drivers behind risk assessment
  • The balance of risk and benefit
  • The principles and content of an effective risk assessment process

Training provider: Martin Lamb, CR Safety Management

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, Committee members, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N063OnlineWednesday 18 September6pm-9.30pm
N064OnlineWednesday 6 November9am-12.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes                

Signalong Introduction

Signalong is a communication system used to help children and adults with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and/or communication difficulties. Based on British Sign Language it is used in spoken word order using key words, combining speech, sign, body language, facial expression and voice tone to reference the link between sign and word.

This Introduction is the ideal course for beginners or those who are returning to using Signalong and would like a refresher. Working with one of our experienced tutors you will be guided through the basics of Signalong and how this key word sign-supported system could benefit your setting.

This workshop comes with a fun song to sign and sing along to, plus an official Signalong booklet containing 27 starter signs. Our tutors will go through all the handshapes, orientation, methodology and movement, demonstrating each sign as they go. By the end of the workshop, you will understand how to introduce a new sign to your children, how to read new sign descriptions to confidently perform them and how to create a name sign.

Learner requirements:

No previous experience or knowledge necessary. This is an online course using Microsoft Teams. You will require access to a laptop/PC with webcam and internet connection (phones and tablets are not recommended due to reduced visibility of the tutor and presentation). You will be asked to perform signs during this course alongside other participants.

Training provider: The Hamlet

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded                     

CodeVenueDate Time
N053OnlineTuesday 1 October9.30am-11.30am
N054OnlineMonday 18 November6.30pm-8.30pm

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Signalong Routines

This workshop looks at the routines we use within a nursery or pre-school setting, such as greetings, instructions, common activities and questions. With one of our experienced tutors, we will discuss the practical application of these signs for your setting and practice using them individually and in sentences for a more real world feel.

Learner requirements:

We will recap the basics before we start but having prior knowledge of how to perform signs already is beneficial. This is an online course using Microsoft Teams. You will require access to a laptop/PC with webcam and internet connection (phones and tablets are not recommended due to reduced visibility of the tutor and presentation). You will be asked to perform signs during this course alongside other participants.

Training provider: The Hamlet

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded                       

CodeVenueDate Time
N055OnlineMonday 21 October6.30pm-8.30pm
N056OnlineTuesday 10 December9.30am-11.30am

Click here to book, using the above codes

Leading Inclusively

The challenges for leaders and managers of early years and childcare settings have increased significantly and continue to grow with the introduction of new initiatives and demands in the sector and the workplace.

The manager of an early years and childcare setting must 'manage', direct and control resources and people, as well as 'lead', set a vision for the organisation and develop the people within it to move (and want to move!) forward.

It is important to differentiate but also complement...

We need to distinguish the difference between leadership and management, both of which are considered necessary. Leadership and management are often used interchangeably, but they are two distinctive and complementary processes.

In this 3-day programme we will be looking at the role of Managers as both managers and leaders. The three days are spread out allowing for attendees to reflect on their own roles and responsibilities and to carry out work-based tasks relevant to the discussions and learning in sessions. There will also be the opportunity to access individual mentoring support between the sessions.

 Day 1 - Understanding the framework for role as manager and leader.

  • Setting expectations and goals for programme and session.
  • Defining individual's role and expectations within the organisation.
  • Leadership and management - defining and understanding importance of both within the role of manager.
  • Understanding the importance of team and dynamics.
  • Understanding the role as manager/leader within the team.

Interim task and line manager briefing sheet.

Day 2 - Focussing on individual's role of leader and manager.

  • Setting expectations and goals for session.
  • Understanding your own leadership style and how to use effectively in managing the team.
  • Characteristics of a high performing team.
  • Understanding team dynamics and manager role within it (e.g., 5 stages of team formation).
  • The manager and leader as coach and mentor (using GROW model).
  • Managing team and resources.
  • Understanding role of manager in developing and growing the business.

Interim task and line manager briefing sheet.

Day 3 - Developing skills and knowledge as leader and manager.

  • Setting expectations and goals for session.
  • Developing, supporting, motivating and encouraging through effective role modelling.
  • Managing difficult conversations in the workplace.
  • Understanding the importance of vision and strategy for the organisation, team and individuals.
  • Importance of self-evaluation and of others.
  • Action planning and next steps.

Refreshments will be provided but please take your own lunch.

Training provider: We can do business

Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting leaders and managers, Wraparound leaders and managers

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N021King's Lynn, FfolkesTuesday 8 October, 5 November & 3 December9.30am-3.30pm

Click here to book, using the above code

Yoga and Mindfulness

The aims of this session are:

  • To promote yoga and mindfulness routines into your practice.
  • To provide experiences to share with children and parents/carers in your provision.
  • To consider some of the tried and tested resources by our Yoga Champions.
  • To develop some skills for your own well-being.

Please wear appropriate clothing for the session as there is a practical element and you need to be comfortable.

'By stretching and breathing children learn how to focus internally, growing their self-awareness about their bodies and their breath.'Razza, R. A., Bergen-Cico, D., & Raymond, K. Enhancing Preschoolers' Self-Regulation Via Mindful Yoga. Journal of Child and Family Studies,24(2), 372-385"

Refreshments will be provided but please take your own lunch.

Training provider: Ariane Hoppler, Learning and Development and Gemma Lane, Early Years and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded                    

CodeVenueDate Time
N005Norwich, John Innes CentreSaturday 16 November 9.30am-3.30pm

Click here to book, using the above code

Introduction to Safeguarding Children

Course Aim: To develop an awareness of child safeguarding issues and the confidence to act on concerns about the safety and well-being of children.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Understand what child safeguarding is and the responsibilities that you have to safeguard children and promote their welfare.
  • Be able to identify the different ways in which children can be harmed and the circumstances which may make them more vulnerable.
  • Know what to do if you have safeguarding concerns about a child and what might happen next.
  • Have increased confidence in recording and sharing information and concerns appropriately.

Training provider: Safer

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded                              

CodeVenueDate Time
N022OnlineSaturday 21 September9.30am-1pm
N023OnlineTuesday 24 September9.30am-1pm
N024OnlineThursday 3 October9.30am-1pm
N025OnlineSaturday 12 October9.30am-1pm
N026OnlineMonday 14 October9.30am-1pm
N027OnlineFriday 18 October9.30am-1pm
N028OnlineWednesday 23 October9.30am-1pm
N029OnlineTuesday 5 November9.30am-1pm
N030OnlineSaturday 9 November9.30am-1pm
N031OnlineFriday 15 November9.30am-1pm
N032OnlineThursday 21 November9.30am-1pm
N033OnlineSaturday 30 November9.30am-1pm
N034OnlineMonday 2 December9.30am-1pm 
N035OnlineFriday 6 December9.30am-1pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Norfolk Graded Care Profile Training

This training will introduce practitioners to the Norfolk Graded Care Profile (NGCP) tool and how to use it with families. The NGCP must now be used to address the needs of children where child neglect is an issue.

Recently the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) agreed that the tool must be used in all circumstances where neglect is evident. This course will support practitioners to use it with confidence. It will include case scenarios, instruction, advice and support.

Similar training is rolling out across Children's Services including CADS, MASH and Children's Social Care.

All practitioners in early years settings and childminders should attend this training at some point.

Training provider: Early Years and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded              

CodeVenueDate Time
N014OnlineMonday 21 October6.30pm-9pm
N013OnlineTuesday 22 October10am-12.30pm
N015OnlineWednesday 27 November10am-12.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Online Safety

Course Aim: To provide an introduction to Online Safety for those that work with children in the Early Years and Childcare sector.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Understand what Online Safety is and what legislation applies to it.
  • Discuss different ways in which young children use digital technologies and access the internet.
  • Identify the potential risks associated with being online.
  • Implement strategies to support children and parents with their online behaviour and how to stay safer online.
  • Adopt appropriate measures to minimise online risks in your setting.
  • Recognise how your own online behaviour can impact you professionally.
  • Know how to access additional support.

Important information: Participants must have completed a valid Introduction to Safeguarding Children course, within the last three years, prior to attending this training.

Training provider: Safer

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N046Online Wednesday 6 November6pm-9.30pm

Click here to book, using the above code

Prevent Training

This introductory training provides a foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the kinds of support available for those at risk. At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Prevent's aims.
  • Think about who may be vulnerable to terrorism.
  • See why some people can influence and manipulate others to commit crimes.
  • Recognise when a vulnerable individual may need help.
  • Be clear on what help and support looks like in this area and who you should turn to if you have concerns.

Training provider:Early Years and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Committee Members, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded                  

CodeVenueDate Time
N008OnlineFriday 18 October9.30am-11.30am
N009OnlineTuesday 19 November6.30pm-8.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Prevent Training can also be completed online via the Home Office. The courses available are:

Prevent Awareness -This offers an introduction to the Prevent Duty and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.

Prevent Referrals -This package builds on the Prevent awareness eLearning training. It is designed to make sure that when we share a concern that a vulnerable individual may be being radicalised, that the referral is robust, informed, with good intention, and that the response is considered, and proportionate.

Channel Awareness -This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel. It is aimed at all levels, from a professional asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting.

Prevent Awareness Refresher -This course is for anyone who has already completed the awareness course and would like a reminder of the key points.

Safeguarding Lead Practitioner

This two day course is aimed at individuals who will be taking on the role of Safeguarding Lead Practitioner (SLP). It will build on the knowledge that participants will have gained from Introduction to Child Protection/Safeguarding Children training, which must have been completed within the last three years. Completion of all sessions is essential.

The training will cover:

  • Awareness of the current legislation and guidance underpinning safeguarding work.
  • Understand the continuum of support that exists to assist children, young people and families.
  • Begin to understand the role of the Safeguarding Lead and other multi-agency roles within the
  • safeguarding/child protection process.
  • Know how to record concerns and be able to describe the child protection process that follows a referral to children's social care.
  • Be aware of what constitutes a good safeguarding children policy.
  • Understand the role of the Safeguarding Lead and other multi-agency roles within the safeguarding/child protection process - including Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups.
  • Have an awareness of safe working practice and how to manage allegations against staff members.
  • Know what Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews are and how these can impact on Early Years Safeguarding Practice.

Training provider: Safer

Target Audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N036OnlineWednesday 2 & 9 October9.30am-3.30pm
N037OnlineMonday 4 & 11 November9.30am-3.30pm
N038OnlineSaturday 16 & 23 November9.30am-3.30pm
N039OnlineThursday 28 Nov & 5 Dec9.30am-3.30pm

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Safeguarding Lead Practitioner Refresher

This Safeguarding Lead Practitioner (SLP) Refresher training is for those who have previously attended the 2 day SLP/SDP course and the Intro to Child Protection/Safeguarding Children training and need to update after 3 years.

The Refresher course will:

  • Update child protection and safeguarding knowledge.
  • Look at updates in legislation and guidance and the effect on practice.
  • Confidence build around more complex cases.
  • Evaluate own decision making, practice and values, as well as those of the setting.
  • Advise on procedural updates within the Safeguarding Children system.
  • Reflect on learning from the latest Serious Case Reviews and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, including in Norfolk.

This course combines the Introduction to Safeguarding Children and an SLP refresh. Those new to the SLP role will need to complete an Introduction course and the 2 day SLP course and can only complete this Refresher 3 years later.

Training provider: Safer

Target Audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N040OnlineSaturday 5 October9.30am-3.30pm
N041OnlineThursday 17 October9.30am-3.30pm
N042OnlineWednesday 6 November9.30am-3.30pm
N043OnlineMonday 18 November9.30am-3.30pm
N044OnlineWednesday 27 November9.30am-3.30pm

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Safer Recruitment

This training is for those who are responsible for recruiting staff in early years and childcare settings, including childminders who employ assistants. It is also intended that chairpersons of committee run groups complete the training with the manager.

Course Aim: To provide those with responsibility for recruiting staff with an understanding of the requirements and procedures of Safer Recruitment.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Be confident in the recruitment and appointment process.
  • Understand the requirements and procedures of safer recruitment.
  • Be able to develop setting appropriate paperwork to support the recruitment and
  • appointment process.
  • Know where to go for support.

Training provider: Safer

Target Audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Committee members, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N045OnlineThursday 7 & 14 November6.30pm-9pm

Click here to book, using the above code

Communication Champion Core Training (EYFS 0-5s)

Learning objectives:

  • To understand what Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) are and the terminology used for different elements. To be able to understand how these are represented across some key models.
  • To be aware of the causes and prevalence of SLCN, with specific focus on Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).
  • To be able to identify children who may have SLCN and need further support.
  • To appreciate the importance of vocabulary as a cornerstone of SLC development from early emerging language onwards.
  • To feel confident in adapting the setting environment, and the way adults interact with children, to support SLC development.
  • To have practical strategies and activities to encourage communication within the setting and personalise these to individual children.

Each session will include a resource or activity to use based on the session's content and a task to complete and feedback on at the following session.  These will be based upon Plan Do Review templates.

Training provider: Communicate

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision with Reception age children

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N072 OnlineTuesday 10, 17 & 24 September and 1, 8 & 15 October6.30pm-8pm
N073OnlineTuesday  5, 12, 19 & 26 November and 3 & 10 December9.30am-11am

Click here to book, using the above codes

Communication Champion Advanced Training (EYFS 0-5s)

You must have completed the Communication Champion Core training before attending this Advanced course.

Learning Objectives:

To build on knowledge from the Core training:

  • To have a greater understanding of specific SLCN areas.
  • To increase knowledge in assessing these areas.
  • To have specific strategies and activities to develop skills in the specific areas.
  • To consider children both in a medical 'deficit' model, as well as a functional 'social' model when setting targets.
  • To demonstrate an ability to integrate all the teaching and apply this to case studies.

Each session will include a resource or activity to use based on the session's content and a task to complete and feedback on at the following session.  These will be based upon Plan Do Review templates.

Training provider: Communicate 

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision with Reception age children

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N074Online Tuesday  5, 12, 19 & 26 November and 3 & 10 December6.30pm-8pm

Click here to book, using the above code

Communication Hubs (EYFS 0-5s)

Early Years and Childcare offer five Communication Hubs in the following Norfolk districts: Broadland, Gt Yarmouth & East, King's Lynn & West, North Norfolk and South Norfolk.

Here is what you can expect from your local Communication Hub:

  • Half termly network meetings - a mixture of in-person and online deliveries (this may vary each term)
  • Evening meetings that start from 6:30pm.
  • High-quality CPD based on the areas that providers told us they would like more support with.
  • Opportunities to share best practice, build relationships and network with other local settings.
  • Speech and language surgery to allow practitioners the opportunity to talk to a local speech and language therapist and ask practice-based questions.
  • Opportunities to speak with your local Early Years Adviser and Improvement & Development Worker.
  • Improved access to speech and language resources via a small resource library that practitioners can browse during face-to-face meetings. (In the mid-long term, this will be extended to a resource borrow scheme,

Booking is limited to two practitioners per setting for in-person meetings and spaces will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. For online meetings, there is no booking limit for practitioners from the same setting.

Training provider: Early Years and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes, Wraparound provision with Reception age children

Cost: £ Fully funded

Meeting 11 - In-personCH051North Norfolk - Links Hotel, CromerTuesday 24 September6.30pm-8.30pm
CH052Gt Yarmouth & East - Imperial Hotel, Gt YarmouthWednesday 25 September6.30pm-8.30pm
CH053King's Lynn & West - Ffolkes, King's LynnMonday 30 September6.30pm-8.30pm
CH054South Norfolk - Hethel Engineering, HethelTuesday 1 October6.30pm-8.30pm
CH055Broadland - The Nest, NorwichWednesday 2 October6.30pm-8.30pm
Meeting 12 - OnlineCH056Gt Yarmouth & East - OnlineTuesday 19 November6.30pm-8.30pm
CH057King's Lynn & West - OnlineWednesday 20 November6.30pm-8.30pm
CH058North Norfolk - Online Monday 25 November6.30pm-8.30pm
CH059South Norfolk - OnlineTuesday 26 November6.30pm-8.30pm
CH060Broadland - OnlineWednesday 27 November6.30pm-8.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes                              

Early Years Funding and Portal Sessions

The Early Years Finance Team are offering fully funded online sessions to support providers to claim funding and use the Provider Portal. Sessions are suitable for those new to claiming or anyone that needs an update.

Provider Portal Bitesize Overview & Q&A - Funding & New Entitlements

A 60-minute group session to explain early education funding and demonstrate the funding module, including new entitlements.            

N057OnlineMonday 17 September10am-11am
N058OnlineMonday 17 September2pm-3pm
N059OnlineMonday 17 September6.30pm-7.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Provider Portal Overview - Funding Module

A 2-hour group session to explain early education and demonstrate the funding module. The aim of this session is to offer a 'how to guide' to claiming early education.

  • Documentation and use of calculators
  • Eligibility checks
  • Extended offer
  • Submit estimates
  • Submit actuals
N060OnlineWednesday 18 September10.30am-12.30pm
N061OnlineWednesday 18 September6.30pm-8.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Provider Portal Bitesize Overview (Staff, Course, Forms, Sufficiency and Funding)

A 90-minute group session demonstrating each module. The aim of this session is to offer a 'how to guide' to use each module.

  • Updating your staff records
  • Book courses and events
  • Submit electronic forms
  • Submit your place numbers and vacancies
  • Submit funding claims

NB: For those new to claiming early education, it is recommended that the 2-hour overview is booked too.         

N062 OnlineWednesday 18 September2pm-3.30pm

Click here to book, using the above code

Bespoke Training

An opportunity to book a bespoke training session for your team who need support to claim early years funding, such as Early Education, SEND, Disability Access Fund and EY Pupil Premium or have several queries concerning a claim.

Please email the finance team to book at

Training provider: Early Years Finance

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings

Cost: £ Fully funded

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