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Safeguarding for Wraparound Provision

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Introduction to Safeguarding Children

Course Aim: To develop an awareness of child safeguarding issues and the confidence to act on concerns about the safety and well-being of children.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Understand what child safeguarding is and the responsibilities that you have to safeguard children and promote their welfare.
  • Be able to identify the different ways in which children can be harmed and the circumstances which may make them more vulnerable.
  • Know what to do if you have safeguarding concerns about a child and what might happen next.
  • Have increased confidence in recording and sharing information and concerns appropriately.

Training provider: Safer

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded                              

CodeVenueDate Time
N030OnlineSaturday 9 November 20249.30am-1pm
N031OnlineFriday 15 November 20249.30am-1pm
N032OnlineThursday 21 November 20249.30am-1pm
N033OnlineSaturday 30 November 20249.30am-1pm
N034OnlineMonday 2 December 20249.30am-1pm 
N035OnlineFriday 6 December 20249.30am-1pm
N099OnlineTuesday 21 January 20259.30am-1pm
N100OnlineSaturday 25 January 20259.30am-1pm
N101OnlineFriday 31 January 20259.30am-1pm
N102OnlineSaturday 8 February 20259.30am-1pm
N103OnlineTuesday 11 February 20259.30am-1pm
N104OnlineWednesday 26 February 20259.30am-1pm
N105OnlineSaturday 1 March 20259.30am-1pm
N106OnlineThursday 6 March 20259.30am-1pm
N107OnlineSaturday 15 March 20259.30am-1pm
N108OnlineMonday 17 March 20259.30am-1pm
N109OnlineFriday 21 March 20259.30am-1pm
N110OnlineWednesday 26 March 20259.30am-1pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Norfolk Graded Care Profile Training

This training will introduce practitioners to the Norfolk Graded Care Profile (NGCP) tool and how to use it with families. The NGCP must now be used to address the needs of children where child neglect is an issue.

Recently the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) agreed that the tool must be used in all circumstances where neglect is evident. This course will support practitioners to use it with confidence. It will include case scenarios, instruction, advice and support.

Similar training is rolling out across Children's Services including CADS, MASH and Children's Social Care.

All practitioners in early years settings and childminders should attend this training at some point.

Training provider: Early Years Learning and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded              

CodeVenueDate Time
N014OnlineMonday 21 October 20246.30pm-9pm
N013OnlineTuesday 22 October10am-12.30pm
N015OnlineWednesday 4 December 2024 (rescheduled from 27 November)10am-12.30pm
N147OnlineWednesday 12 February 202510am-12.30pm
N148OnlineWednesday 26 February 20256.30pm-9pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Online Safety

Course Aim: To provide an introduction to Online Safety for those that work with children in the Early Years and Childcare sector.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Understand what Online Safety is and what legislation applies to it.
  • Discuss different ways in which young children use digital technologies and access the internet.
  • Identify the potential risks associated with being online.
  • Implement strategies to support children and parents with their online behaviour and how to stay safer online.
  • Adopt appropriate measures to minimise online risks in your setting.
  • Recognise how your own online behaviour can impact you professionally.
  • Know how to access additional support.

Important information: Participants must have completed a valid Introduction to Safeguarding Children course, within the last three years, prior to attending this training.

Training provider: Safer

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N046Online Wednesday 6 November 20246pm-9.30pm
N120OnlineThursday 27 February 20256pm-9.30pm

Click here to book, using the above code

Prevent Training

This introductory training provides a foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the kinds of support available for those at risk. At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Prevent's aims.
  • Think about who may be vulnerable to terrorism.
  • See why some people can influence and manipulate others to commit crimes.
  • Recognise when a vulnerable individual may need help.
  • Be clear on what help and support looks like in this area and who you should turn to if you have concerns.

Training provider: Early Years Learning and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Committee Members, Parent and toddler group leaders, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded                  

CodeVenueDate Time
N008OnlineFriday 18 October 20249.30am-11.30am
N009OnlineTuesday 19 November 20246.30pm-8.30pm
N130Norwich, The NestFriday 14 February 20259.30am-11.30am
N131OnlineWednesday 19 March 20256.30pm-8.30pm
N229OnlineMonday 24 March 20256.30pm-8.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Prevent Training can also be completed online via the Home Office. The courses available are:

Prevent Awareness -This offers an introduction to the Prevent Duty and explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.

Prevent Referrals -This package builds on the Prevent awareness eLearning training. It is designed to make sure that when we share a concern that a vulnerable individual may be being radicalised, that the referral is robust, informed, with good intention, and that the response is considered, and proportionate.

Channel Awareness -This training package is for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or even run a Channel Panel. It is aimed at all levels, from a professional asked to input and attend for the first time, to a member of staff new to their role and organising a panel meeting.

Prevent Awareness Refresher -This course is for anyone who has already completed the awareness course and would like a reminder of the key points.

Safeguarding Lead Practitioner

This two day course is aimed at individuals who will be taking on the role of Safeguarding Lead Practitioner (SLP). It will build on the knowledge that participants will have gained from Introduction to Child Protection/Safeguarding Children training, which must have been completed within the last three years. Completion of all sessions is essential.

The training will cover:

  • Awareness of the current legislation and guidance underpinning safeguarding work.
  • Understand the continuum of support that exists to assist children, young people and families.
  • Begin to understand the role of the Safeguarding Lead and other multi-agency roles within the
  • safeguarding/child protection process.
  • Know how to record concerns and be able to describe the child protection process that follows a referral to children's social care.
  • Be aware of what constitutes a good safeguarding children policy.
  • Understand the role of the Safeguarding Lead and other multi-agency roles within the safeguarding/child protection process - including Child Protection Conferences and Core Groups.
  • Have an awareness of safe working practice and how to manage allegations against staff members.
  • Know what Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews are and how these can impact on Early Years Safeguarding Practice.

Training provider: Safer

Target Audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N036OnlineWednesday 2 & 9 October 20249.30am-3.30pm
N037OnlineMonday 4 & 11 November 20249.30am-3.30pm
N038OnlineSaturday 16 & 23 November 2024 9.30am-3.30pm
N039OnlineThursday 28 November & 5 December 20249.30am-3.30pm
N111OnlineMonday 27 January & 3 February 20259.30am-3.30pm
N112OnlineThursday 6 & 13 February 20259.30am-3.30pm
N113OnlineFriday 7 & 14 March 20259.30am-3.30pm
N114OnlineSaturday 22 & 29 March 20259.30am-3.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Safeguarding Lead Practitioner Refresher

This Safeguarding Lead Practitioner (SLP) Refresher training is for those who have previously attended the 2 day SLP/SDP course and the Intro to Child Protection/Safeguarding Children training and need to update after 3 years.

The Refresher course will:

  • Update child protection and safeguarding knowledge.
  • Look at updates in legislation and guidance and the effect on practice.
  • Confidence build around more complex cases.
  • Evaluate own decision making, practice and values, as well as those of the setting.
  • Advise on procedural updates within the Safeguarding Children system.
  • Reflect on learning from the latest Serious Case Reviews and Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, including in Norfolk.

This course combines the Introduction to Safeguarding Children and an SLP refresh. Those new to the SLP role will need to complete an Introduction course and the 2 day SLP course and can only complete this Refresher 3 years later.

Training provider: Safer

Target Audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N040OnlineSaturday 5 October 20249.30am-3.30pm
N041OnlineThursday 17 October 20249.30am-3.30pm
N042OnlineWednesday 6 November 20249.30am-3.30pm
N043OnlineMonday 18 November 20249.30am-3.30pm
N044OnlineWednesday 27 November 20249.30am-3.30pm
N115OnlineThursday 30 January 20259.30am-3.30pm
N116OnlineMonday 10 February 20259.30am-3.30pm
N117OnlineSaturday 8 March 20259.30am-3.30pm
N118OnlineTuesday 18 March 20259.30am-3.30pm

Click here to book, using the above codes

Safer Recruitment

This training is for those who are responsible for recruiting staff in early years and childcare settings, including childminders who employ assistants. It is also intended that chairpersons of committee run groups complete the training with the manager.

Course Aim: To provide those with responsibility for recruiting staff with an understanding of the requirements and procedures of Safer Recruitment.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Be confident in the recruitment and appointment process.
  • Understand the requirements and procedures of safer recruitment.
  • Be able to develop setting appropriate paperwork to support the recruitment and
  • appointment process.
  • Know where to go for support.

Training provider: Safer

Target Audience: Childminders, Early years settings, Committee members, Wraparound provision (not school run)

Cost: £ Fully funded

CodeVenueDate Time
N045OnlineThursday 7 & 14 November 20246.30pm-9pm
N119OnlineTuesday 4 & 11 March 20256.30pm-9pm

Click here to book, using the above code

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