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Whole school approach to transitions in schools


How can I support specific cohorts of children and young people through transitions e.g. EAL, GRT, SEND, young carers?

There are some groups of children and young people who may need additional support during transitions. We have developed some guidance around how you can develop welcome packs for these children and young people.

We have also developed several One Minute Guides on a number of topics to help schools and settings access key information and signposting quickly and efficiently.

How can I support children and young people who are transitioning at different times or for different reasons e.g. transitioning as part of a managed move or into an SRB?

These types of transitions will often need a higher level of support. We have developed some guidance around how you can develop welcome packs and support children and young people through these types of transitions.

I have a child who really struggled on transition day. What can I do?

Transition events leading up to a move are important in helping children and young people get to know their new setting and understand the changes that will happen but they do not always go to plan!

You may have an individual or group of children and young people who do not engage with the events or who display behaviours that challenge. It is important to reflect on why it did not go as planned and the needs that might be behind that. Then consider what different approach may be needed:

  • Do other agencies need to be contacted e.g. SEMH and transitions or Learning and SEND team for further support?
  • What are the child or young person's views? Speak to them - what do they think? What would help them?
  • How could you adapt your plans for the next transition day to better meet this child or young person's current needs?

If you'd like further support for this child or young person, please contact us:

  • If you have a child or young person at imminent risk of permanent exclusion, please contact our helpline: 01603 307736, Monday - Friday 9am-4.30pm. 
  • For all other cases, please make a referral to the Inclusion and SEND team, by completing this Inclusion and SEND referral form
  • If your query relates to training, please email the training mailbox: 
  • If your query relates to Element 3 funding, please email the Element 3 funding mailbox: 


I have a child who I think is struggling with a recent transition. What should I do?

Once a child or young person has joined you, there are a few things to look out for which may suggest they are struggling with their transition to a new phase of education:

  • Struggles to make friends
  • Doesn't feel that they belong
  • Has ongoing difficulties coping with daily routines
  • Increased number of absences
  • Presenting with behaviours that challenge or harm
  • Making slower than expected progress or showing a lack of interest in learning

If you notice any of these, consider how you can adapt the support that the child or young person is receiving. Before doing this, take steps to understand what might be behind the difficulties you are seeing e.g. learning needs, worries with friends, etc. Speaking with the child or young person's family is also important in trying to understand what is happening for the child or young person.

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