Whole school approach to transitions in schools
Policy considerations
Some schools or settings have devised their own transition policy to set out clear guidance on how best to support children and young people as they move through different phases and into different settings. There is some further information on the Twinkl website and you can find many example transition policies online.
All educational settings must adhere to the Equality Act, 2010 which means that they must make 'reasonable adjustments' so as not to place any learners at a disadvantage. Settings should anticipate needs and make any reasonable adjustments in advance of transitions. This is supported by the following guidance/legislation:
- Equality Act 2010
- Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework (1.11)
- Birth To 5 Matters - Guidance by the sector, for the sector
- Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years, January 2015 (DfE; PDF))
Policies including behaviour (or relationships), safeguarding, anti-bullying and curriculum should be clear, up to date and meets the needs of the children and young people and families that they support as well as being informed by national guidance and legislation.