Whole school approach to transitions in schools
What do I need to record and report?
The process of transition requires clear and efficient recording and reporting processes. Most settings use electronic systems for recording safeguarding information and sharing relevant information at transition points such as CPOMS.
In early transition discussions, ensure parental permission is sought before sharing information between settings. |
Keeping Children Safe in Education states 'where children leave the school or college (including in year transfers) the designated safeguarding lead should ensure their child protection file is transferred to the new school or college as soon as possible, and within 5 days for an in-year transfer or within the first 5 days of the start of a new term. The designated safeguarding lead should also consider if it would be appropriate to share any additional information with the new school or college in advance of a child leaving to help them put in place the right support to safeguard this child and to help the child thrive in the school or college.'
With common systems, the transfer of confidential information is quicker and easier to manage. For more information about transferring of safeguarding files please see "Guidance for Schools & Colleges: Child Protection Record Keeping and the Transfer of Child Protection Records" on Safeguarding forms and templates.
For early years settings, the Supporting Transition and Inclusion Record (STAIR) is available to use, as an NCC online form or as a Word document. The STAIR has been designed to enable smooth transitions, which recognise children's emotional needs, what help they might need and to capture each child or young person's uniqueness.
Collecting information like this from the child or young person's family is the start of that home-setting relationship and is an opportunity for families to feel as though their voices are being heard and wishes being taken seriously.
Identification of needs descriptors in educational settings (INDES) are a key tool for transition. Completing an INDES for children and young people can help accurately identify need, this information can then be shared with the next setting so that they can plan appropriate support and provision for that children and young people ahead of their arrival.
For any children or young people that have additional plans such as the following, these must also be shared with the next setting:
- One-page profiles
- SEN support plans
- Emergency plans (young carers)
- Individual health care plans
- Information around additional languages spoken and cultural/educational background
- Boxall online profile screenings / other screenings relevant to children and young people's needs
- Behaviour Support Plans / Risk Assessments
- Professional reports
For children or young people where there are safeguarding concerns, transfer of information should be handled sensitively. Please see Guidance for Schools & Colleges: Child Protection Record Keeping and the Transfer of Child Protection Records (Word doc, 197 KB).
It is important to then consider and plan how the information gathered through transition will be used e.g. to plan teaching approaches, organise individual support and resources familiar to the child or young person from previous setting, plan stay and plays, bespoke family events, etc