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Whole school approach to transitions in schools

What do leaders, managers and school governors need to know?

For a whole school or setting approach to be fully embedded, this must be supported at a strategic level, this is why having the support of your leadership team and governors is so important.

School managers and leaders 

  • Identify a "transition lead" who oversees and coordinates any formal transition process.
  • Identify all staff members who are involved in any formal transition process and ensure that each team member knows what their role is. 
  • Support the "transition team" to develop a transition timetable and process for transitions, including release time to visit previous settings, attend planning meetings and other necessary administrative support. 
  • Have oversight of cohorts, and children and young people with specific needs or vulnerabilities. 
  • Support in strategic planning of provision for children and young people with high needs or vulnerabilities. 
  • Support the facilitation of any child specific training that is needed to ensure all staff are prepared to welcome the children and young people in advance of them joining the setting. 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of transitions processes with the transition team and adapt based on feedback from all stake holders, e.g. staff in receiving and previous setting, parents / carers and children and young people.


  • Be aware of incoming cohorts and any changes in profile and consider what this means in terms of provision or support, teaching and learning, and staff training.
  • Be aware of transition processes and timescales.
  • Be aware of the transition process review.

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