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Element 3 Funding 2025-26


These will be updated regularly.  If you have a question, please submit HERE 

Where is the INDES/IPSEF/GPM information and guidance? 

Identification of need and inclusive provision


What is PEaSS and where is the relevant information and guidance? 

Provision expected at SEN support (PEaSS)


My funding has changed significantly  

The move to distributing some funding on a formula basis based upon the NFF will result in some schools seeing changes to their anticipated funding for 2025-26 academic year; where this change may cause significant difficulties for a school, this can be discussed with the LA directly to consider how transition can be supported. 


Why are you publishing guidance now before a decision on the E3 funding envelope is made? 

The LA are mindful of the challenging financial circumstances that schools and trusts are facing, and the need for awareness and understanding in schools and trusts of the approach to be taken for Element 3 in Norfolk as soon as possible, to enable appropriate planning to take place.  


What support and guidance is available? 

Further information about support is available here.


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