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Provision expected at SEN support (PEaSS)

We are required to clearly set out what special educational provision and training we expect mainstream schools, early years education providers, and post-16 education providers to offer.

This is to provide a shared understanding between parent carers, places of learning and the county council.

We publish this information in a document called SEN Support Guidance PEaSS (Provision Expected at SEN Support) (PDF, 1 MB). The guidance contains links to key legislation, information about co-production, inclusive practice including IPSEF, information about high quality teaching, the graduated approach, equipment and SEND training and the responsibilities of teachers, school leaders and governors.

Needs are now divided into five categories. Each category is colour coded with interactive tick lists about how to identify need, suggested whole setting approaches, suggested SEN Support strategies in the classroom, suggestions for SENCos, plus a questions to consider and training for staff section.

The categories of need are:

  • Communication and Interaction: Speech, language and communication needs
  • Communication and Interaction: Social communication and interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and/or Sensory Needs which includes: Deafness, Vision Impairment, Multi-Sensory Impairment and Physical Needs.

These standalone pages from the PEaSS guidance can be printed off or used digitally. You can use the interactive tick lists to indicate the approaches you've tried and the needs you've identified, or you can print them out to put on the wall. It's up to you, we hope they're helpful.

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