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Explore our Active Norfolk 2023-2024 Impact Report

Our 2023-2024 Impact Report highlights the transformative work we've undertaken in Norfolk over the past year. You'll discover the heart of our projects, campaigns, and strategic efforts. From empowering communities to driving positive change, we've focused our resources where they matter most - to the people of Norfolk

HPV and vaccination

Information and resources for PSHE Teachers

Road Safety Magic Show - Years 3 & 4


Empower your Year 3 & 4 pupils with the knowledge needed to stay safe when walking, wheeling, and cycling

Road Safety In Schools: 'Eyes Up, Slow Down, Cross Safely' Campaign


THINK! has launched a new campaign to help parents prepare their children for independent travel, especially when transitioning to secondary school.

Free TITAN Primary Program: Supporting Independent Travel for Student transitioning to Year 7


As they prepare to step into year 7, students face new experiences, such as navigating public transport independently or walking independently to school. Our free TITAN Primary program is here to equip them with the skills and confidence needed for safe travel.

Asbestos control and management compliance code - update and action


The Asbestos control and management compliance code has been updated. Headteachers should complete the revised asbestos management plan document, implement the correct controls, as detailed in F602 and in the updated compliance code, and ensure that relevant staff have completed the required training.