Revisions to 'Keeping Children Safe in Education', DfE (Guidance from 1st September 2024: For Information Only)

Revised Statutory Guidance
On 24 May 2024, the Department for Education (DfE) published a revised version of 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. The revised guidance for is information only at this stage so that schools and colleges can plan for the commencement of the guidance on 1 September 2024; until this time, the existing statutory guidance, 'Keeping Children Safe in Education' 2023 is still in force and schools and colleges must continue to have regard to it.
Key changes
The proposed changes are minimal for this year given the Safeguarding children in schools and colleges call for evidence. Annex F of the draft guidance includes a Table of Substantive Changes from the 2023 document and a table of revisions can be found on our webpage.
What should schools and colleges do?
- Read KCSiE giving particular consideration to the changes
- Review all relevant policy documents, procedures and training and devise an action plan to implement required changes in preparation for 1 September 2024.
- Ensure that the final version of the guidance is accessed and disseminated to staff when it is published.
What the Education Safeguarding Team are doing?
- We will be updating the Norfolk model safeguarding policy, forms and templates and the whole school training package to reflect these amendments.
- We will Tweet once the policy and training package have been updated and are available on the Norfolk Schools and Learning Providers website.
- It is likely the forms and templates and modules of training will be updated over the summer holidays.
Safeguarding news & updates - Norfolk Schools and Learning Providers - Norfolk County Council