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Year 11 to Post-16 transition timelines

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Year 10


  • Arrange appointments with Independent Careers Advisor for young people.
  • Invite Post 16 settings to CIAEG events and / or family facing events.


  • Collate list of young people with EHCPs and Post 16 options. Start preparation for adulthood interventions linked to outcomes set in Y9.


  • Encourage families to attend Open Evenings and speak to the prospective Post 16 settings to allow young people and their families to make informed decisions.
  • Hold annual review meeting, discuss possible options for Post 16 provision with EHCP co and Independent Careers adviser.

Year 11 Autumn term


  • Signpost families to Open Evening / events at Post 16 settings.


  • Make a referral to TITAN travel training for young people who would benefit from independent travel training.
  • Ensure UK school systems / processes around applying for school places and transition are explained as soon as possible to families who are newly arrived in the UK or who are not proficient in English.


  • Hold EHCP review to ensure EHCP is fit for Post 16 setting and outcomes are adapted accordingly.

Year 11 Spring term


  • Ensure that everyone has applied for Post-16 settings.
  • Post-16 settings start their interview process. Make sure the post-16 setting is informed of any additional needs at this stage.


  • Provide the post-16 settings with details of young people requiring targeted or enhanced transition processes with consent from the children and young people and their families.
  • For young people applying for apprenticeships and traineeships, support the young person to keep checking current openings.
  • Consider whether it would be useful for the post-16 setting to observe young person in lessons, in order to see how they access learning.


  • Consider whether it would be useful for the post-16 setting to observe young people in lessons to see how they access learning.
  • Begin to implement transition plans.

Year 11 Summer term


  • When the young person is offered a place, firm up any preliminary discussions with the post-16 setting about any additional support needed and or the arrangements for additional visits.
  • Use the 'Help You Choose SEND Document upload' function for secure transfer of information. Careers Adviser can upload information after consultation with SENDCo. Ensure permission / consent is obtained from young person and family.

Year arrived in new setting Autumn term


  • Ensure all data and files are transferred securely to confirmed Post 16 setting.

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