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Year 11 to Post-16 transition timelines

Receiving setting

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Year 10


  • Welcome families and young people to open evenings, events, and informal meetings.


  • Respond to consultations. Clearly outline any provisions from Section F that the setting will need support in implementing.
  • Attend EHCP reviews to which you have been invited.
  • Hold discussions with post-16 settings about individuals requiring support with enhanced SEND provision.

Year 11 Autumn term


  • Identify Transition Team.


  • Host information events for young people with SEND and their families.
  • Collate lists of young people who may potentially need targeted or enhanced transition support for future reference.


  • Respond to consultations. Clearly outline any provisions from Section F that the setting will need support in implementing.
  • Attend EHCP reviews to which you have been invited.
  • For young people with EHCPs, arrange initial planning meeting with families and young people.
  • Hold discussions with post-16 settings about individuals requiring support with enhanced SEND provision.

Year 11 Spring term


  • Provide information on taster events and any summer transition events for new prospective young people to join.


  • Hold meetings with families of young people with SEND to gather information.
  • Request information from feeder setting for all young people and any additional information for young people with SEND.
  • Ensure any communication barriers the family or young people have e.g. EAL are identified in collaboration with the current setting and families e.g. through admissions forms.
  • Ensure families and young people are provided with information in an accessible format (language).


  • Begin any enhanced transition programme for young people with high needs.
  • Arrange initial planning meeting with families and young people.
  • For EHCPs named at setting arrange initial planning meeting with families and young people.
  • Design and deliver a transition plan for young people with EHCPs.

Year 11 Summer term


  • Host welcome / transition events for incoming cohort.


  • Ensure that all young people with SEND are aware of and offered a place on their induction programme.
  • Follow up with a communication to new young people re-emphasising next steps and what happens.
  • Download SEND documents from Help You Choose.


  • Contact the The SEND and inclusion team for any support required with provision mapping and support, this could also include support for young people with EAL or who are GRT.
  • Discuss and plan implementation of Section F provisions with family and incorporate into transition SEN Support Plan.
  • Invite young people to any enhanced transition activities.

Year arrived in new setting Autumn term


  • Welcome young people to activities such as induction and share information on how to swap courses if required.
  • Provide information about Post 16 services and how to access them e.g. bursary/bus passes.


  • Provide information about SEND services available to young people including any additional provision that can be accessed.
  • Support young people who require additional support through targeted transition and induction activities.


  • Implement support packages to those young people who need this e.g. timetable with additional support sessions.
  • Meet with young person and family to check support package is working as it should be.
  • Arrange appointments with Careers Advisor for young person.

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