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Webinars for Designated Safeguarding Leads

Recordings from the most recent webinars for Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) can be found in this section. These can be used to increase the knowledge and skills of DSLs to support children and families.

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Academic Year 2024/25

Family Help

This webinar was delivered on 27 November 2024 by Jenifer Dewar, Assistant Director of Family Help and High Needs, Sarah Adams Head of Family Help - Protection West and Breckland and Laurie Barker Head of Family Help - Prevention Norwich and South. This webinar will give DSLs the opportunity to learn more about the new Family Help Teams that are providing multi-disciplinary support to vulnerable children and families in Norfolk.  

Following the successful pilot of a Family Help model in two of our localities (West and South), the decision was taken to roll out this model of support across all our localities. The Family Help Model has brought together our Family Support and FAST teams, alongside practitioners from other disciplines to create multi-disciplinary teams. These teams take a collaborative approach to supporting the needs of families, holding risk and developing a network of support around a family.  

DSL Webinar Family Help November 2024 Slides (PDF, 492 KB)

CGL / The Matthew Project 

This webinar was delivered on 20 November 2024 by Mat Armitage of Change Grow Live and Luke Adcock of The Matthew Project.

In this webinar The Matthew Project provides an overview of the two specialist young people's drug and alcohol services in Norfolk. Change Grow Live  give an overview of adult substance misuse in Norfolk. This includes the geographical coverage and treatment options.   

Learning Outcomes 

  • To understand the risks of substance misuse for young people and adults 
  • To learn about the local treatment options and how to make a referral  
  • To learn what you to do in an overdose situation  

Accumulative Neglect Operational Oversight Forum (ANOOF) 

In Norfolk we need to establish a shared understanding of chronic neglect in terms of impact on the child and their family. By chronic we are talking about low level neglect over a longer period of time resulting in cumulative harm as well as cyclical neglect where things may appear to improve for short periods and then deteriorate again in a repeat pattern, making it difficult for the child to feel secure.   

If you have any cases that you are working with and there is evidence of long-term chronic neglect, please consider bringing them to the Accumulative Neglect Operational Oversight Forum (ANOOF).  

This is a learning forum to think together about the child and family and have a better understanding of the operational issues and case management to support the identification of the root cause. The ANOOF consists of a multi-agency panel and is chaired jointly by Health and Social Care with Education being an essential panel member.  

This webinar was delivered by Lucy Parsons (Chair of the ANOOF and Head of Safeguarding for Cambridge Community Services).

Learning Outcomes 

  • To understand and have an awareness of what ANOOF is 
  • To understand and have an awareness of how to refer a case to be discussed at ANOOF 
  • To have an opportunity to think about ANOOF from an Education perspective and ask any questions or bring any ideas around the next steps for ANOOF

Academic Year 2023/24

Private Fostering and Kinship Care

This webinar on Private Fostering and Kinship Care was delivered by Wendy Jones (Manager for the Fostering Recruitment Team), Debra Bennetts (Team Manager, Kinship Assessment Team), Laura Dyson (Assistant Team Manager, Adoption and Kinship Support Team), Becky Howard (Team Manager, Adoption and Kinship Support Team) and Harriet Tunnicliff (Adviser for Previously Looked After Children) on 26 June 2024.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Promote awareness of the notification requirements of private fostering 
  • To understand how family members and connected persons come to care for children in their networks and the process of assessments that are undertaken to achieve this 
  • To provide an overview of the Adoption and Kinship Support Team including an outline of the teams' roles and responsibilities, with examples of the services we offer to adopted children and children in kinship care 
  • To clarify processes that need to be followed when schools have safeguarding worries about the children active to our team 
  • To gain an understanding of the new duties for the Virtual School for Children in Care, Previously in Care and Children with a Social Worker following the guidance from the Department of Education Championing Kinship Care: The National Kinship Care Strategy (December 2023).
  •  To also receive information about the proposed response when the duties commence in September 2024. 


Integrated Front Door

This Integrated Front Door webinar related to the Norfolk & Waveney Access to Mental Health Advice and Support for 0-25s was delivered by Charmaine Hannant and Fay Spencer on 8 May 2024.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To understand the new service and what it offers children and young people. 
  • To understand the request for support process and how to access it 
  • Become confident in accessing valid resources from Just One Norfolk, FYI and wider agencies to share with families and young people.


Cyber Choices

This Cyber Choices webinar was delivered by Aimee Payne, Regional Cyber Choices Officer from the Eastern Region Specialist Operations Unit (ERSOU) on 24 April 2024.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Gain an understanding of the Cyber Choices Programme
  • Have a working understanding of the Computer Misuse Act
  • How to identify a young person potentially at risk of committing cyber dependant crime
  • Utilise the resources to support young people


For Your Information (FYI)

This webinar was delivered by Fay Spencer on 18 April 2024.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding and navigation of the FYI digital platform 
  • Learn about its co-produced creation journey 
  • Think about future aims and next steps for development and getting involved 
  • Become confident in accessing valid resources from FYI for young people in your settings. 



This webinar on Safeguarding Children by Working Effectively with Fathers was delivered by Dr Mark Osborn, Safeguarding Intelligence and Performance Co-ordinator from the NSCP on 18 March 2024.

Learning Outcomes 
By the end of this session, participants will have had the opportunity to: 

  • Build their knowledge and understanding of Norfolk's good practice guide for working with fathers including the supplementary guide for schools and colleges 
  • Reviewed Norfolk's resource toolkit for improving work with fathers and father figures 
  • Considered actions to take this work forward in their own practice. 


Virtual School Trauma Informed Offer

This Virtual School Trauma Informed Offer webinar was delivered by Helen Peck (Adviser, Children with a Social Worker) on 30 January 2024.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To understand the role of the Virtual school - specifically the offer of support for children Previously in Care and those with a Social Worker.
  • To understand what trauma and attachment are and how these can impact on education.
  • To gain insight into strategies to support children using a trauma informed approach.
  • To know how to contact the Virtual School and access the fully funded offer.


Bystander Intervention Programme

This Bystander Intervention Programme webinar was delivered by Carole Bostock, Bystander Programme Co-ordinator on 23 January 2024.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand how the Bystander Programme works
  • Recognise the importance of challenging sexist language
  • Identify ways in which the programme will help to reduce incidents of sexual harassment in your school/college


Young Carers

This Young Carers webinar was delivered by Philip Beck - Head of Partnerships, Schools and Communities in Children's Services and the lead for young carers on 28 November 2023. By the end of this session's delegates should:

  • Understand the importance of identifying students that are young carers and implementing a whole school approach (aligned to DfE census returns).
  • Know how to enable students who are young carers to make an informed decision about having an assessment of their needs (young carer needs assessment) and how to refer.
  • Understand and be able to make use of the professional's guide for working with young carers and accessing wider support.
  • Understand the Caring Together Tick Friendly Award, how to gather evidence for this 


The Family Network Approach

This Family Network Approach webinar was delivered by Emma Aston and Paul Farmer (Family Networking Advisers) on 14 November 2023.

The Family Networking Approach complements Signs of Safety, the practice framework we use in Norfolk. Both approaches put networks at the centre of practice and provide the opportunity for families to draw on those around them to help with aspects of family life and to make sure their children feel safe and loved.

The recent Independent Review of Children's Social Care carried out earlier this year, identified that Family Networking should be at the heart of all of the support given to children and young people across the tiers. We are passionate about helping schools and partners be the leaders in this and embedding the approach at the earliest level.

By the end of the webinar DSLs will have an increased understanding of the following:

  • What 'Family Networking Approach' (FNA) practice is and how this can be used to help overcome challenges in your setting
  • Why FNA practice is important to children, their families and workers 
  • The benefits that FNA practice can have for those working with children and families  
  • What the impact will be for children and families who are supported using the FNA
  • How the service can help you to embed this way of working in your setting


Academic Year 2022/23

NIDAS and Operation Encompass

The Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS) and Operation Encompass webinar was delivered by Kristal Oakley, NIDAS Assistant Service Manager, Claire Farrelly, Safeguarding Adviser and Lisa Smith, CADS Representative on 11 May 2023.
Learning Outcomes:

  • To understand the key points of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 for education
  • Consider Key Adult responses to Operation Encompass notifications
  • To understand the MARAC IDVA information sharing process
  • To understand the countywide Domestic Abuse service and what this offers
  • Know how to refer to the Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS) and its role
  • Understand where to seek support and advice where NIDAS threshold has not been reached

Supporting Young People's Emotional Wellbeing

The Supporting Young People's Emotional Wellbeing webinar was delivered by Stephanie Hambrook, Healthy Child Pathway Clinical Lead and Gemma Caton, Specialist Practitioner in the Emotional Health Pathway on 24 May 2023.
By the end of this session DSLs will have:

  • Increased understanding of the factors involved in the development of emotional wellbeing
  • An understanding of how to help a young person and their parents/carers to take a positive approach to emotional wellbeing
  • Increased awareness of resources (including digital) for young people, parents and professionals
  • Increased awareness of local service provision


The Neglect webinar was delivered by Claire Farrelly, Safeguarding Adviser, Sharon Moore, NSCP Workforce Development Officer and Michelle Dunsire, Service Manager Practice and Participation on 28 March 2023.
By the end of the session DSLs will:

  • Be up to date on the implementation of the Norfolk Neglect Strategy
  • Have received an introduction to the Norfolk Graded Care Profile tool
  • Understand the role of the Neglect Champion Network in Norfolk

The Harbour Centre SARC

The The Harbour Centre- Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) webinar was delivered by the SARC's Crisis Worker & Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) on 22 March 2023.
By the end of the webinar DSLs will have an understanding of:

  • The role of the Crisis Worker
  • What happens during a forensic medical including aftercare
  • Safeguarding & onward referrals (under 13 & over 13 yrs)
  • The triage process for referrals
  • The role of the Independent Sexual Violence Advocate
  • What support is available for those supporting a Police investigation and those choosing to self-refer
  • How to respond to disclosures
  • Trauma and triggers - what you may see in behaviours
  • Myth busting / victim blaming - common mistakes

Child exploitation: The preventative role of RSHE

The Child Exploitation: The preventative role of RSHE webinar was delivered by Alice Ndiaye, Inclusion Adviser, Early Intervention and Prevention on 20 March 2023.
DSLs will leave this webinar able to:

  • debunk some of the myths that shroud CE and learning how to avoid preconceptions about gang culture and its victims.
  • understand how statutory RSHE can be pivotal in supporting pupils' knowledge, values, and skills to avoid CE and ask for help if they or a peer are at greater risk of CE or are already being exploited.

Speak Out, Stay Safe (NSPCC)

The NSPCC - Speak Out, Stay Safe webinar was delivered by Katie Bannister, Schools Coordinator (Norfolk) from NSPCC Schools Service on 8 February 2023.
This webinar will support DSLs to:

  • Gain understanding and knowledge of what Speak out. Stay Safe is
  • Understand why it is important for your school and the impact it will have for you pupils
  • Know how to access our free Speak out. Stay Safe. resources for your school

Key messages

Key messages for the education sector from recent reviews of serious child safeguarding cases - This webinar was delivered by Professor Jonathan Dickens, Director of the Centre for Research on Children and Families from the University of East Anglia on 25 January 2023. This webinar is based upon the findings from Triennial analysis of serious case reviews 2022 - learning for the future.
At the end of this session DSLs will have:

  • Understanding of the 2018-19 changes to the system of serious case reviews (SCRs), which have become local child safeguarding practice reviews (LCSPRs)
  • Knowledge of the key messages for the education sector from the final review of SCRs (2017-19) and the first two annual reviews of LCSPRs (2020 and 2021)
  • Reflected on the opportunities and challenges for improving child safeguarding practice in Norfolk and nationally

Cyber choices and cyber protect

The Cyber Choices And Cyber Protect Webinar webinar was delivered by John Greenwood, Cyber Security Advisor from Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies on 7 December 2022.
This webinar will support DSLs to:

  • Gain an understanding of the Cyber Choices Programme
  • Have a working understanding of the Computer Misuse Act
  • Identify actions to improve Cyber Security
  • Understand the free services a Cyber Security Advisor can provide

Working effectively with your safeguarding governor

The Working Effectively with your Safeguarding Governor webinar was delivered by Lucy Canning, Safeguarding Adviser and Helen Wardale Governance Intervention Lead Officer on 18 October 2022. The aims of the webinar are for DSLs:

  • To understand the strategic role of the governing board and the role of the Safeguarding Governor;
  • To explore how DSL(s) and Safeguarding Governor can work effectively together to fulfil safeguarding duties;
  • To give a range of tools, templates and resources which can be used to monitor, and quality assure safeguarding practice in schools and colleges

Bystander intervention programme

The Bystander Intervention Programme webinar was delivered by Carole Bostock, Bystander Programme Co-ordinator on 27 September 2022.
At the end of this webinar DSLs will:

  • Understand how the Bystander Programme works
  • Recognise the importance of challenging sexist language
  • Identify ways in which the programme will help to reduce incidents of sexual harassment in your school/college

Fathers inclusive practice

The Fathers Inclusive Practice webinar was delivered by Dr Mark Osborn, Safeguarding Intelligence and Performance Co-ordinator from the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership on 21 September 2022.

At the end of this webinar DSLs will have: 

  • Knowledge of national and local evidence and research highlighting the need for all partners to become more father inclusive
  • Knowledge of the approach in Norfolk for organisations to become more father inclusive
  • Considered some of the barriers to engaging and working with fathers in your own setting

Academic Year 2021/22

Changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022)

The Changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education for 2022 webinar was delivered by Lucy Canning, Safeguarding Adviser from the Education Safeguarding Team on 6 July 2022. The webinar will support DSLs to:

  • Gain an understanding of the significant changes to KCSiE 2022
  • Consider implications of changes for school and college practice including developing an implementation action plan
  • Understand the Local Authority's responses to changes to support schools and colleges' practice


Record Keeping Webinar - Lucy Canning, Safeguarding Adviser from the Education Safeguarding Team delivered this webinar on 4 May 2022. The webinar will support DSLs to:

  • Understand what statutory guidance tells us about record keeping and how files should be maintained
  • Understand the importance of quality assuring child protection records
  • Reflect on current practice and identify next steps
  • Know the procedures for transferring child protection records

Tricky Friends

Tricky Friends: The role of RSHE in preventing Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) - The Norfolk Safeguarding Children's Partnership (NSCP) have produced an animated film suitable for KS2/3 to help children and young people identify and respond to potentially unhealthy and risky relationships that may be linked to CCE. This webinar was by Josie Rayner-Wells; Senior Adviser, Learning and Inclusion on 20 January 2022. The webinar will provide DSLs with:

  • Knowledge how to create safe learning environments for effective teaching and learning about CCE
  • Access to the "Tricky Friends" RSE Resource; providing a developmental curriculum, with supporting resources Collaboration with colleagues to identify approaches to using the newly launched NCSP "tricky friends" animated resource
  • Greater awareness of the services and support available to schools in addressing CCE

Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS)

New Service: Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS) - Tabatha Breame, Domestic Abuse Scoping and Delivery Officer and Kristal Lead IDVA delivered this webinar on 18 January 2022. This webinar will help DSLs understand the countywide Domestic Abuse service and what this offers and know how to refer to the service.

Safeguarding self-evaluation form

Safeguarding Self-Evaluation Form Lucy Canning and Claire Farrelly, Safeguarding Advisers delivered this webinar on 12 January 2022. This webinar will help DSLs in understanding the purpose of the Safeguarding Self Evaluation Form, how to complete it, including the use of the gradings.

Preventing sexual harassment in schools

Preventing Sexual harassment in Schools. Josie Rayner-Wells; Senior Adviser, Inclusion delivered this webinar on 13 October 2021. This webinar will support DSLs and those with responsibility for leading and teaching RSHE to:

  • Understand the pivotal role of RSHE in being proactive and responsive to the challenge of sexual harassment in schools
  • Have clarity of the RSHE Guidance requirements
  • Be supported to plan a spiral, developmental RSHE curriculum that addressees contributing factors to sexual harassment

Tackling sexual violence and harassment in education settings

Tackling Sexual Violence and Harassment in education settings - learning from the Ofsted Thematic review. This webinar was delivered on 7 October 2021 by Kelly Waters, Senior Safeguarding Adviser from the Education Safeguarding Team. This session focuses on the implication of the Ofsted review, providing practical advice for DSLs and other senior leaders to be able to:

  • Identify and explain the findings of the Ofsted thematic review.
  • Describe and explain whole school approaches to tackling sexual violence and harassment.
  • Identify key questions and tools to support schools and colleges with implementing a whole school approach to tackling sexual violence and harassment.

Academic Year 2020/21

Changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021)

Changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education for 2021 (opens new window) - Lucy Canning and Claire Farrelly, Safeguarding Advisers within the Education Safeguarding Team delivered this webinar on 15 and 16 July 2021. This webinar will support DSLs to:

  • Gain an understanding of the significant changes to KCSiE 2021
  • Consider implications of changes for school and college practice including developing an implementation action plan
  • Understand the Local Authority's responses to changes to support schools and colleges' practice

Child exploitation - Learning from case reviews

The Child Exploitation - Learning from Case Reviews webinar was delivered on 9th July 2021 by Kelly Waters, Senior Safeguarding Adviser from the Education Safeguarding Team. The webinar will support DSLs to:

  • Identify and explain the key learning from national case reviews regarding child exploitation
  • Reflect on current local practice in relation to this key learning
  • Explore the implications for school safeguarding practice in relation to these reviews in terms of exploitation


Sleep Webinar - Catherine Henery and Stephanie Hambrook from the Norfolk Healthy Child Programme delivered this webinar on 28 June 2021.
The webinar will support DSLs to:

  • Understand normal sleeping behaviours for 0-19 year olds and the influence of developmental stages in this
  • Gain an awareness of sleeping patterns in children with Additional Needs
  • Consider sleeping challenges that may arise for children and young people, their causes and their impact

Young Carers

The Young Carers Webinar video is based upon the webinar delivered on 17 November 2020 by Belinda Jones - Carer Awareness and Voice Co-Ordinator from Caring Together. The contents supports DSLs to understand more about who Young Carers are, be more confident to identify Young Carers in their setting and to know what support is available to Young Carers in Norfolk

New Roads

New Roads Webinar - New Roads is an integrated service giving young people a dedicated team that sticks with them to give them help and support that they need to achieve their potential. It provides a mix of residential and outreach support for young people aged 12-25, who are already being supported by Children's Services. Zoe Murray and her colleagues delivered this webinar on 14 June 2021. The webinar supports DSLs to gain an understanding of the New Roads service including:

  • Its purpose, and desired outcomes
  • How the service will work
  • The change of approach in managing risk

Cyber Choices

Cyber Choices Webinar - John Greenwood, Cyber Security Advisor from Norfolk and Suffolk Constabularies delivered this webinar on 26 April 2021. The webinar will support DSLs to understand the Cyber Choices Programme, the Computer Misuse Act and identify actions to improve cyber security.

Primary & Secondary RSHE

RSHE Webinar (Primary Schools) (Powerpoint, 37 MB)RSHE Webinar (Secondary Schools) (Powerpoint, 37 MB) - Josie Rayner-Wells, Adviser for RSHE and Inclusion delivered these webinars on 17 and 18 March 2021. There is one for primary and one for secondary. The webinars will help DSLs identify RSHE curriculum priorities for their setting and explore teaching mental health, online safety and asking for help

Missing from home/care and return home interviews

Missing from Home/Care and Return Home Interviews - Katie Riches, Child Exploitation and Missing Children Team Manager within CADS delivered this webinar on 26 February 2021. Claire Farrelly, Safeguarding Adviser talks about the importance of completing the Education Screening Information Form in detail.

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