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Identification of need and inclusive provision


The Inclusion and SEND team has produced tools to improve support for mainstream educational settings in managing their provision for children with additional needs.

The tools are:

  • An identification of needs descriptors in educational settings (INDES) framework of standardised terms breaking down the broad areas of SEND into seven specific sections which describe need
  • An inclusion and provision self-evaluation framework (IPSEF) that settings can use to evaluate their provision to support inclusive practice and to demonstrate their compliance against the Ofsted framework, legal requirements, and Norfolk County Council's Provision Expected at SEN Support, known as PEaSS. It is intended to effectively be a 'one-stop tool' for settings to evaluate themselves.
  • Graduated Provision Mapping guidance and template.  Settings can use this to capture their SEND provision, and associated costs, at a Universal, Targeted and enhanced level.  This allows a setting to ensure that provision is in place to meet the profile of needs identified in their setting.

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