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What's on offer

Think you may have something to offer too? Go to "Make an offer". Are you inspired to share your successes? Please visit "See what others are doing". See what local providers are offering. Go to "What else can I access?".

Year 6 Moderation

Take part in an opportunity to discuss writing progress and attainment with an experienced KS2 moderator.

Year 6 Moderation

Take part in an opportunity to discuss writing progress and attainment with an experienced KS2 moderator.

PTI Subject CPD Days

Synergy MAT have invested in a programme of subject CPD days for subject leaders and are inviting other schools to invest and benefit with them.

Assessment Strategies Advice

Would you welcome a conversation around how assessment strategies are being used to support improvement? Russ Jones at Ad Meliora is inviting colleagues to get in touch and share in how the trust is using assessment effectively.

Achieving exceptional outcomes at the end of KS2

Interested in learning practical strategies from other exceptional teachers? Sapientia are inviting KS2 teachers to work join their KS2 colleagues for a series of network events to share approaches which can drive up standards.

Using self-review effectively to improve outcomes group

Using self-review to improve outcomes, colleagues at Sapientia are offering an exciting opportunity to join a working group focussed on this theme.


These networks include SEND, Curriculum standards and moderation, DSLs and TAs networks

Supporting a high performance standards culture group

Achieving and maintaining high standards in reading, writing and math

Planning CPD to have Impact

Bure Valley Junior school have been developing a robust Professional Development and Implementation framework based on Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) 'A schools guide to implementation'.

EAL Grammar and Writing

Register your interest for an opportunity to take part in a pilot intervention scheme to support EAL writers.

UKLA & OU Teachers' Reading Group (TRG)- Reading For Pleasure

Join a local community of Reading for Pleasure enthusiasts, develop your practice and build a strong reading for pleasure culture with sessions developed by the OU and UKLA and led by local volunteer OU/UKLA TRG leaders Fiona Mcdaid and Sara Matthews.

No Silver Bullet - A Leadership-Driven Approach to Raising Standards

This programme provides a practical, evidence-based framework to help you implement strategies that drive sustainable improvements in teaching, learning, and pupil achievement.

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