Early education and childcare
Childcare Provider Information
Guidance and information to support childcare providers to claim early education:
Early Education Funding Agreement
Click the link for more information and guidance.
Early Education Claim Period Documentation
Parent/Carer Documentation
Funding Entitlement Booklet - This document must be issued to parents and carers with Part 1 of the parent/carer claim form. It provides information to families about the funding entitlements and how they can claim.
Parent/carer booklet (PDF, 407 KB)
Funding Entitlement Parent / Carer Claim Form - The claim form is mandatory. Prior to issuing this form, please refer to the provider guidance below.
The form is split into 3 parts -
- Part 1 - provides guidance to complete Part 2 and 3 and QR codes to the booklet, tax-free childcare and universal credit childcare costs
- Part 2 - must be completed every time a new entitlement is claimed or when their details (e.g. address) change
- Part 3 - must be completed every claim period
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 1 (PDF, 309 KB)
PDF Template -
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 2 (PDF, 202 KB)
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 3 SUMMER VERSION (PDF, 268 KB)
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 3 AUTUMN VERSION (PDF, 265 KB)
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 3 SPRING VERSION (PDF, 263 KB)
Word Template -
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 2 (Word doc, 225 KB)
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 3 SUMMER VERSION (Word doc, 306 KB)
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 3 AUTUMN VERSION (Word doc, 300 KB)
Parent or Carer Funding Claim Form - Part 3 SPRING VERSION (Word doc, 295 KB)
Ready Steady Go for Funded Childcare - These help families to navigate the pathway to the correct entitlement for the age of their child and eligibility.
Ready Steady Go - SPRING VERSION (PDF, 158 KB)
Ready Steady Go - SUMMER VERSION (PDF, 157 KB)
Ready Steady Go - AUTUMN VERSION (PDF, 158 KB)
Provider Documentation
Parent / Claim Form Guidance (including mail merge option and the templates)
Provider Guidance for claim forms (PDF, 782 KB)
Calculator Templates
These calculators are shared to help providers calculate the funded hours to be claimed by families.
Template - Parent / Carer claim form (Excel doc, 37 KB)
Template - Change of hours (Excel doc, 45 KB)
Template - Annual calculator - Summer born children (April to August) (Excel doc, 52 KB)
Template - Annual calculator - Autumn born children (September to December)) (Excel doc, 52 KB)
Template - Annual calculator - Spring born children (January to March) (Excel doc, 52 KB)
Template - Estimates and Actuals (Excel doc, 96 KB)
Early Education Funding Rates and Payments
Click the link for more information.
Early Years National Funding Formula (EYNSFF)
Annual Budget Statement (Excel doc, 23 KB)
Estimate your Deprivation Supplement (Excel doc, 145 KB)
Provider Payment Details
Provider bank and remittance details form (Word doc, 42 KB)
Other Guidance
Financial Good Practice (PDF, 97 KB) for Early Years Providers
Completing your Census Return (PDF, 846 KB)
Early Years Procedures
Complaints (funding entitlement)
Appeals (withdrawal or suspension of funding or a request to repay)
Data Protection
Guidance - Data Protection and Password Management (PDF, 93 KB)
Children and young people privacy notices
Receiving and Sending Secure Emails (PDF, 184 KB)
Other Early Years Funding
- Start-up
- Developing childcare places
- Quality & inclusion
- Wraparound
- Smarter working
- SEN Inclusion Fund
- EHCP and complex need
- Specialist equipment
- Disability Access Fund (DAF)
If you do not find what you are looking for please contact the Early Years Finance team by email at earlyyearsfinance@norfolk.gov.uk